Friday, March 2, 2007

Kevin Trudeau

Hey guys. I saw Kevin Trudeau on a show last night talking about his new book,

The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About

He's also the author of two other books. I read the first one - it was excellent. Of course, they're very controversial, and many would tell you he is a scam artist. I looked through some of these complaints, and saw two similar traits to them:

1) He's a scam artist! I haven't actually read the book, but...

At that point, I tune out. You haven't actually read the book? Then you're just spouting something someone else said. It seems like people with enough time to erect a complaint against something should also have enough time to verify that for themselves first. How can you call something a scam that you know nothing about? Because your friend said so? How did he know? Because his friend said so? Blah.

2) He's a scam artist! He's been sued by tons of companies, including the FDA!

Well, if you read his book, it's obvious why! He even states that this is going to happen. He is revealing information that can cost the drug companies (who have the FDA under the belt) billions of dollars every year. Of COURSE they're pissed. They're also dirty, and need to be brought down.

Here are the original two books, btw:

Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About

More Natural Cures Revealed: Previously Censored Brand Name Products That Cure Disease

The new book sounded exciting. A system that can correct the underlying cause of obesity, allowing you to lose a pound a day without any cravings, without any will power, without exercise, and without gaining the weight back afterwards. It also ensures that the weight you lose is the unnecessary fat stored in the main areas of the thighs, butt, stomach, etc. I'm about 30 pounds overweight myself. I don't eat that much, and I definately don't eat much fast food. So I'm very interested to see what this system is. I'm going to purchase the book in the next week or two, try it out, and I'll report back to you guys my level of success (or lack of success).

Finally, this is day 5 of my 21 day schedule for Reed Byron's Instant Millionaire Now and Psychic Development hypnosis CDs. I'll let you know how things are going after day 21.

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