Saturday, February 3, 2007

60 Coupons left!

Alright guys! We're down to 60 coupons. See the below post for the information if you haven't already. I expect we'll be lucky to see any coupons left tomorrow!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Manifestation Life Coupons

Wow, today has been crazy.

Everyone is jumping at the opportunity to get $30 off a 2-year membership (normally $197 - yeah I know, that's ridiculous right? $8.21/month - where do you get that deal?). I figured I should post it here, so anyone not on my newsletter list has a chance.

So here's the pinch: we're down to 100 coupons left. There were 200 last night, now there's 100. I imagine by this time tomorrow, they'll be gone. $30 off of a $197 membership for 2 years is like getting 4 months for free, or like only paying $6.95 per month.

I get the feeling some of you have no idea what you're missing. Let me try and clarify - this site is LOADED with manifestation masters, tips, documents, audio, recorded phone conversations with manifestation gurus, and tons more! You can't find this anywhere else - the greatest compilation of today's masters, all in one place!

Let me take the time to give a detailed explanation of the site - those of you on my newsletter list have seen this already:

This is a one-time-fee membership site called "Manifestation Portal" created by Barry Goss.

The main part of the site is a ongoing audio interview series "Conversation With the world top manifestation mentors."

They currently have 25 manifestation mentors with over 50 hrs of audio conversation and lessons. These lessons are awesome! You will see some very famous and wonderful teachers inside. Most of them are very well-known, highly respected mentors in self improvement industry. Some of them were even featured in the move, The Secret.

ManifestLife shares with you almost every topic you can think about on manifesting your desires and living a happy and fulfilling life.

Imagine what your life will be like if you can study and apply every tip and strategy they share with you?

Listening to their lessons is VERY inspiring. I guaranteed you will be getting very busy at trying and applying their exciting ideas. I did :)

But this is only a small part of your membership. And it is not the part that I like the most.

The best part of the memebership is a section called "Secret M-Files". They have some really heavy stuff here.

--"The $100 Million Dollar Man" teaches you the method of "Instant Manifestation".

--"The Master of Masters" teaches you how to become magnet to money and how to get into action.

--"The Father of Motivation" teaches you "Secrets to An Inspirational Life"

Inside the "Secret M-Files", they have another 6 secret manifesting mentors (everyone of them is a heavy hitter). They teach you various advanced-level topics about manifesting your desires.

Many of these secret mentors have some awesome bonuses for you in addition to their already wonderful conversations with Barry.

To my suprise, one of the secret mentors, "The $100 Million Dollar Man" mentioned above, gives a free copy of his complete personal development program. This can easily cost you a few hundred dollars to buy elsewhere. But you get it free as a member.

Besides those, you can also find some awesome meditation, visualization, and hypnosis audios that you can use daily to bring more abundance into your life. I LOVE these!

Another great section of the membership site is the LIBRARY. There are tons of audios, videos, ebooks, reports and articles that will greatly enhance your undersanding of the secrets of manifesation.

There is also a resource section and a archive section of recorded live calls.

The content is just HUGE! You will love it when you see it.

Now, here is the part that you have been waiting for. :)

Barry has agreed to give you a $30 discount for inner-circle access to the site for 2 full years.

Remember! This offer is only to the first 200 people (Only 100 left now!) You need to be fast!

The coupon code is "467E" ( without quotes).

You will see a section called "Coupon" on the order form, enter the code above, you will get $30 off instantly! The one-time price for two years of membership is incredible, and you'll never run out of great material here. Every week or so, they do a new call with an amazing manifestation guru, and there are constant updates to all of the information - new stuff all the time!!!

I was in on one of the free calls (to get people interested), and at the end was a contest that I was one of 20 (amongst over 400 callers) who won - the book by the master the call was with and several other goodies. Of course after listening to that call, I knew this site was legit, and since signing up, I can honestly say I can't recommend this site enough. Do yourself a huge favor - join up quick before Barry realizes what a steal his site is!

This is so important to me, I will even make you this offer: if you join Barry's site, coupon or not, and send me the receipt, I will send you a copy of my finished manuscript, including We Are God, The Secrets of Manifesting Your Reality, Ten Steps to Manifesting Your Desires, and The Meaning of Life - as soon as it's ready! That's right, before I send it to the publisher, you can snag the whole deal from me! And remember, The Meaning of Life will never see the light of day on my website - it will only be available within the published book. Also remember that once the publisher OK's the book, none of these will be available from my website anymore. Since it will take anywhere between six and eight months to get the book into stores, these books will be available NOWHERE for a long time.

That's right, join Barry's site, get all of my e-books, including the new one, The Meaning of Life, for free!

CLICK HERE to go to the site now!

Go for it!


PS. The best deal is for the first 200 people only - and 100 have been used! Put in the coupon code "467E" (without quotes) on the order form, and get an instant $30 off for your 2 years membership. Anyone who signs up between now and the time my e-book compilation goes off to the publisher will receive my free gift, if you just forward me your email receipt from Manifest Life.

Mind Awake Body Asleep

Probably the most important skill you can develop in your meditational practices is the ability to find the state known as mind-awake-body-asleep. Of course, you hard-core meditators out there won't need to hear this. But anyone starting out may not know.

Now, the mind-awake-body-asleep mode is the stepping stone into the realms of the mind. When you learn to reach the border of sleep, keeping your mind awake as your body tumbles over the edge, you will find yourself going into a medium-to-deep trance state. This is where the real magic happens. In a light trance, you feel nice, you feel relaxed. In a medium or deep trance (and this is true for both of these), you will find yourself feeling almost a blink in consciousness, followed by a deepening of your light trance symptoms. Your conscious state will increase, and your awareness will become much sharper.

This feels like a sudden "VOHHHMMMM". Your relaxation will double, and just laying there will begin to feel almost rapturous. Once your body is fully asleep, or even if you're just very tired, hypnagogic imagery may arise. This is a state of mind's-eye visuals, often geometric patterns and blits of light, that occurs as you drift off to sleep, or sometimes after your body has fallen asleep. This state is the jumping-off point for out-of-body and astral experiences, as well as deep meditation. Don't get carried away by the imagery, just as you didn't allow yourself to be carried away by thoughts before.

I've been using some great tools for achieving these experiences, and perhaps these tools could be used to learn to control the mind at the edge of sleep. But I think the best way to learn this simple but very important skill is just through unaided practice. As you drift off to sleep at night, when you're not exhausted, put yourself in an observant state. Keep an interest in your visual field (I know, I know, it's all dark - but that changes!). Keep an interest in your hearing. The closer to the edge of sleep you go, the more your visual field and hearing will begin to pick up things that aren't going on in the physical world. This may be surprising at first. For me, I would often hear things that would cause me to snap my attention, waking myself up. This would be conversations, noises, a radio, a TV... and as soon as I lurched up to see what it was, it was gone...

Once you get used to these effects, it becomes easier to use them as an aid to not falling asleep. Keep watching (not staring - straining yourself will make your body unable to fall asleep) the darkness, noticing that your natural relaxed state is with your eyes looking slightly up, at about a 20 degree angle. This is actually the third-eye viewing state, and the hypnagogic imagery will eventually arise from your third eye.

Finally, when you are under deep but still conscious, the hypnagogic imagery may fade back out (giving way for you to use an exit strategy, or even a wait-it-out strategy, for astral projection or out of body experience), or the hypnagogic imagery may enlarge and surround you, in which case you may find yourself inside a lucid dream, or even on the astral plane. Either way - two very cool places to be.

It's time for me to go lie down. If you want to check out the resources I've been playing with for easy astral projection, out-of-body experience, lucid dreaming, psychic development, etc, then check out the new Online section of my Resources page, HERE. Click MindSync, and look at the diverse range of products they have. Most of these are a $19.99 download, and you can burn a CD or listen on your computer right away.

These are EXTREMELY powerful, the best binaural programs I've ever used by far. For instance, the astral projection program works like this: your conscious waking mind is entrained down to a certain combination of frequencies over the first 8 minutes. Once you reach that combination of brainwave frequencies, one of three things WILL happen. 1) You will fall asleep (if you aren't great at the mind-awake-body-asleep mode yet, this will happen - but with 8 minutes per practice, this could be a great way to teach yourself very quickly!) 2) You will become anxious and note yourself rising back up in brainwave frequencies (this would feel like nervousness causing you to come out of your relaxed state. I haven't had this problem, but I realize that some people who are new to meditation and out-of-body practices can become fearful when it's about to occur). 3) You will project astrally.

Now I don't know about you, but that seems to present pretty damn good odds for success to me. The folks at MindSync (or World of Alternatives) are very responsive and offer a full money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied, so give it a try. After trying one of their programs, you will see for yourself how valuable they are. Give em a shot!

Have a good night - I'll be back tomorrow!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Third Eye Development

And hello again!

So I probably don't have to tell you that one of the most important things you can do for the development of psychic abilities is to learn to access your third eye. I've been doing third-eye meditations, along with full chakra meditations, and many other types of meditations, for years. I have had some good results in the past. I tried this program, by Samuel Sagan, and had amazing results:

Meditation, Portal to Inner Worlds

This link takes you to their catalog, but the program I used is the first on the list. It was amazing. Four discs - the first is a talk, where Samuel Sagan describes the third eye, why it is important, and what it can do for you (some of this was very new and fascinating to me - and I'm not exactly unread on third-eye literature). The next two are practical exercises which help you to reveal and access your third eye. Finally there is a final talk CD. In honesty, I've had so many amazing experiences with the first practical CD that I haven't moved to the second or the final talk. That's right, I'm recommending an audio program to you that I am only halfway through. That's how good it is!!!

Anyone interested in psychic development and third eye work in particular should rush to the site and grab it. Not only that, but on the main site, you will find many free resources. Soon coming to those free resources is the companion book, Awakening the Third Eye, which is now out of stock (and I'm guessing out of print or they wouldn't be about to offer it for free.) Currently on the free page, you can download:

A Language to Map Consciousness
A new version (7th edition) of the book by Samuel Sagan, completely rewritten and including more than 45 new entries.

Sleeper Awaken!
Atlantean Secrets Volume 1

Musical images online
Bleeding Sun, like Atlantean Secrets was created as music before it was written. Characters have their own themes. A number of scenes have their own sound track.

Canopus 2.1, Astrology Software
The Windows 95 version is no longer for sale, but you can download it for free right here! This software is offered as is, with no support or guarantees. Please do not email us for support or to ask questions, as we do not have the manpower for this.

Color-coded Excel Chart Interpretations
An enthusiastic user has provided a utility to convert your Canopus chart interpertations into beautiful and very readable color-coded tables. (Requires Microsoft Excel to be installed on your machine.)

Samuel Sagan is my newest guru-of-interest. You can see his bio page here. Kinda crazy lookin', but brilliant!

[For the materially-minded skeptic, may I point out that the above link(s) are NOT affiliate links and that I gain nothing from anyone who purchases a product. I have benefitted greatly already from the above-recommended product, and truly recommend it to others. This is probably unnecessary, but I don't want people worrying that I only recommend products from which I can gain a commission. I will never recommend crappy products just to make a dime. This is my promise to you.]

Manifesting Naturally - In 2 Easy Steps

Hi again guys,

Here is an article by one of the folks who help run the very best manifestation site on the internet, Manifest Life. This article is excellent, and I want to share it with you.


Manifesting Naturally - In 2 Easy Steps

Manifesting your desires is a very natural process that can get very complicated very quickly if you force the process. Being attached to a certain outcome is one of the quickest roads to disappointment. You must be open to the possibility that there is a greater intelligence in you that will create circumstances to help you better learn how to use your power of manifestation and in getting clear with your intent.

When one is focused upon material gain as an end in itself, the outcome is constricted by the foundation of fear upon which scarcity is based. When one is focused upon selfless service to the higher good of All Life, without fear for one's own well-being, the highest result is manifested for all.

You do not need to be any less prosperous in making such a shift. For the key to sustaining the manifestation of abundance, under conditions where the idea of personal prosperity is irrelevant, is the subtle shift in where one chooses to focus one's intent. People who choose to dedicate their lives to humanity or through restoring the harmony of the environment are not required to choose poverty as a demonstration of that selflessness. Circumstances will manifest quite naturally that would ensure the physical comforts of those in question when one is aligned with one's own highest purpose. When you are living your highest purpose and experiencing life in all of it's wonders and abundance you automatically give others the confidence and permission to do the same, which is the greatest result for all.

You are not here as a statement of separation from life, but as a materialized statement of unification with it.

Manifesting is not about proving to yourself that you are a creator. There is no need to prove something that you already are. Manifesting your desires is natural, as natural as breathing.

Desire you breath out, Creation you breath in. Your first moment was enjoying your creation of embodiment, your first breath in.

Intent is the focus of vibration or thought to create anything you want in Life. Intent is desire in pure form.

1. Focus your intent, breath out.
2. Creation, breathe in and enjoy your manifested desire.

Example: your body desires oxygen, so you breath out to make room for the oxygen, Then you breath in, and your body enjoys the experience of the new oxygen and when it wants more new oxygen you simply breath out to make room for more expecting that again your desire will be fulfilled. If your body doubted for one second that there was a lack of oxygen would you breath what you have out? No.You hold your breath until you can get more. But eventually you are going to have to let go of what you have to get more, or you die.

Breathing happens naturally. It is nothing you need to force or understand; it just simply is. Breathing happens whether you breathe in air or energy. It is natural.

Transformation need not take years or digging for clues in the subconscious for past karma or blockages or unknown barriers. Set your intent to be that of what you desire, knowing that you have always been whole and complete! Remove from your mind the concept of linear earthly time. Be timeless and you will know that all is known and all is perfect.

Breathe in, expand Your Universe. Breathe out, expand The Universe.

The Breath IS Life.

Enjoy each moment naturally as you breathe in and out and know that you are the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and end. The equation of all possibilities in everything, everywhere.

Responsibility is the key in expanding your truth that you are in fact the creator of your experience at any given moment. The amount of responsibility that you accept is the exact amount of creation ability that you utilize for your experience.

To be completely responsible for your experience is to know that, without a doubt, the free will that is inherent in the human condition is unconditional. You are free to do anything, be anything, and believe anything in any way it pleases you. That is your birthright. And with that freedom goes the right to reap the ramifications of all actions, so that you will be able to experience the results of your choices.

We have been taught by a society that has learned and in turn teaches the path of constriction. That is why you have chosen to create barriers that frustrate and infuriate you as a motivation for you to learn what it is that you are not: Limited. You have created barriers in your life to discover your true potential and to remove those barriers that stifle the very essence of that which you are: Limitless! The very fact that you are reading these words is a testament to your relentless pursuit of the beliefs you have consistently questioned and tested so that you may find your own truth. There is only one truth - your truth - and in knowing that you come to realize that you must allow all others to live their own truth. Shine by the example of living your own truth, not by trying to convince others of your truth.

Once responsibility is realized to it fullest ramifications then the limits you have in creating the desire are completely up to your level of acceptance of what you can create.

When you permit yourself the luxury of openly, unabashedly, fantasizing about what it is you truly yearn for, and dream of, you set into motion the energetic parameters for manifesting your heart's desire. Until you give free expression to the limitless vision you keep under wraps, you cannot, by definition, create it into your reality. When you operate your life from the mind-set of the unworthiness to have your heart's desire, when you dare not ask for what you truly want out of fear of disappointment, that disappointment is virtually guaranteed!

You must know that you are already whole,; that you are in fact worthy of anything you desire.

Would you on a hot day think of treating yourself to an ice-cream cone then go out and buy yourself an ice cream cone, then in fear of disappointment or lack of worthiness decide not to even taste it? Would you just let it melt away? Something that your heart desired, you paid for, only to in fact taste the disappointment that you were afraid of by not allowing yourself to taste the ice-cream? Robbing yourself from true experience.

Do you see how it works?

The moment you imagined what it would be like to have your desire, you have in essence already paid for it. You already expended the energy required to create it. The seed was planted, now nurture it, protect it, give it love, allow it to grow into your reality so that you may enjoy it. Never for one second allow yourself to believe that you don't deserve it or how it happens to manifest into your life.

Just know that's it's a natural occurrence. You do deserve it and you are worthy or you wouldn't have desired it in the first place. Sometimes depending on the clarity of your intent and how open you are, you may even receive something far better.

If you dare to envision yourself in circumstances where your deepest most heartfelt longings were manifested, without reservation and compromise, you might begin to experience the radical shift in the circumstances of your life that would provide you with the very evidence that you are looking for that you do indeed create your life.

If you dared to risk letting go of your limitation-based thinking that keeps you anchored in the experience of disappointment in the areas that matters most to you, you might experience the shift from those patterns.

Accept the full responsibility that you are in fact the creator of your experience. For just a moment toy with the thought and you will realize that manifesting your desires are as natural as breathing and you are responsible for all of it.

Allow yourself to be your highest purpose; there is no need to struggle to attain your highest purpose you are already living it every moment whether your realize it or not.

Breathe Naturally and Manifest Your Life, the Life you Deserve to Live, Yours!

Jody Sachse is's Special Projects and Operations Manager. He is also the author of the the fascinating ebook: "The Great Wealth Pandemic" (which can be downloaded inside The Portal). When he's not working on new product releases, responding to posts on the Manifest Life Community Forum, or making enhancement to the website, Jody can be found jumping on the trampoline with his 3 boys, listening to new meditation MP3's, or searching for the best ice cream in town.

Welcome to Metaphysical Mumbo Jumbo


You may already know me as jonpeeoh from - if not, allow me to introduce myself.

I am a spiritual seeker going on nearly 20 years now. I have read hundreds if not thousands of metaphysical/psychic/spiritual/scientific/quantum physics books, meditated on and off for the past 10 years with varying experience/progress, played with entrainment (binaural, monaural, hypnosis, sleep programming, etc), used psychedelics for the purpose of revelation (not recreationally), and basically tried to get my foot in the door of anything to do with mysticism, spirituality, psychic abilities, and learning how to control my life and affect the world through my mind.

As anyone knows who has begun this journey, it never ends. However, I feel that I have plenty of information/experience to share that would be useful to those who are now where I was one, two, or even ten years ago. And so I began the website,, stressing the principles of manifestation and the Law of Attraction. The feedback on my three e-books, We Are God, The Secrets of Manifesting Your Reality, and Ten Steps to Manifesting Your Desires has been overwhelmingly positive. Thanks to all of you who have emailed me with your wonderful, supportive words.

Lately I have not updated my site, except for a brief explanation of what I've been up to over the past 3 months. I will get back to writing articles soon, but I'm still in the middle of some personal research, including a book I'm working through, a CD case full of new binaural, monaural and hypnotic programs I'm working through, and a full work-week with a wife, a kid and a baby at home, not to mention an extensive number of pets. I'm also compiling my e-books from, adding a fourth, which I'm calling The Meaning of Life, and sending them off to be reviewed for publication by an independent press that has expressed interest.

So I wanted to be able to write, but not exactly articles. More like a Thoughts'n'Things log. You know, like an online log of what's going on... a weblog. Maybe shorten that, call it "blog"... Hey, that's kinda catchy - "blog". Who knows, maybe the term will catch on...

Anyway, I will try to drop daily posts about what I'm contemplating, what I'm using, and what I would recommend to others. Mostly the first, but occasionally I will recommend books, audio programs, or a website or two. The most important thing for you to know is that I will only recommend sites I truly use and enjoy myself. I will not recommend a site just to get an affiliate commission. I will however become an affiliate to any site (or for books, via Amazon) for which there is a product I want to recommend. I don't see anything wrong with collecting commissions for sending sales to people when the customer is getting a fantastic product. I have done this on my website as well, and to date, my sum total from affiliate advertising (primarily using Amazon to reference books), is right around $1.50 - that's after four months of my website being up. So I'm not exactly making a killing.

Also, if I am picked up by a publisher for my e-book compilation, those e-books will disappear from my site overnight. If anyone is interested in grabbing a copy of those, even of the free e-book We Are God, I recommend you run over to and snatch em now. The guestimated time between being accepted and seeing my book hit a bookshelf is approximately 7 months, and for that amount of time those e-books will not be available at all.

Thank you all for joining me - check in tomorrow for more!