Thursday, March 15, 2007

Left or Right Brain?

I just learned something interesting from a Brian Walsch video, and wanted to share it... If you want to see whether you are currently focused in your right brain or left brain, or rather which hemisphere you are currently primarily operating from, take a deep breath in through your nose. The nostril that takes in the most air is your indicator. If it's the left nostril, you are focused in your right brain. Right nostril, left brain. If there's no difference, you're in between.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Day 15 of 21

Wow, the more I read and work the exercises, the more I'm convinced that the natural companion to Astral Dynamics, and the new #1 most important book EVER is this one:

This is the one-stop manual for EASILY making the transition from everyday consciousness into a higher consciousness. This is important for several reasons:

1) Spiritual Intoxication - Of course it's fun to feel awesome!
2) Reconnecting with the Higher Self - This of course benefits every part of your life.
3) Manifestation Happens Faster When You Exist in a Higher Energy - Raise your consciousness, and you automatically speed up your manifestation abilities. Psychic abilities begin popping up as well.

Since starting this book less than a week ago and applying only a few of the exercises, I can now activate my third eye at will, shift into "seeingness" mode with a little effort, and see auras and energy vibrations where before there were only solid pictures. Shifting aside the normal mind-interpretation-of-reality and seeing the energy of what is really there feels wonderful.

The only thing I've noticed since beginning is now when I'm not in my third eye, I am more easily irritated by noises. My puppy's bark pierces me, the baby's screams hurt, my 8-year-old's high pitched voice gives me the willies... Anything abrasive that I use to just ignore is making it in, and if I don't process these sounds with my third eye, they are a bit painful. But that's fine, it's just part of the process of remembering to stay centered in my third eye awareness. So while my headache count is currently up, I don't imagine this problem will be going on for long.

Check out more from Samuel Sagan at his site, - The free section has some cool stuff too. Before long they promise Awakening the Third Eye will be released in the free section, but until then, that picture above will take you to an page where you can grab a copy. They are currently out of print, so when those sell there probably won't be anymore.