Friday, March 2, 2007

Kevin Trudeau

Hey guys. I saw Kevin Trudeau on a show last night talking about his new book,

The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About

He's also the author of two other books. I read the first one - it was excellent. Of course, they're very controversial, and many would tell you he is a scam artist. I looked through some of these complaints, and saw two similar traits to them:

1) He's a scam artist! I haven't actually read the book, but...

At that point, I tune out. You haven't actually read the book? Then you're just spouting something someone else said. It seems like people with enough time to erect a complaint against something should also have enough time to verify that for themselves first. How can you call something a scam that you know nothing about? Because your friend said so? How did he know? Because his friend said so? Blah.

2) He's a scam artist! He's been sued by tons of companies, including the FDA!

Well, if you read his book, it's obvious why! He even states that this is going to happen. He is revealing information that can cost the drug companies (who have the FDA under the belt) billions of dollars every year. Of COURSE they're pissed. They're also dirty, and need to be brought down.

Here are the original two books, btw:

Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About

More Natural Cures Revealed: Previously Censored Brand Name Products That Cure Disease

The new book sounded exciting. A system that can correct the underlying cause of obesity, allowing you to lose a pound a day without any cravings, without any will power, without exercise, and without gaining the weight back afterwards. It also ensures that the weight you lose is the unnecessary fat stored in the main areas of the thighs, butt, stomach, etc. I'm about 30 pounds overweight myself. I don't eat that much, and I definately don't eat much fast food. So I'm very interested to see what this system is. I'm going to purchase the book in the next week or two, try it out, and I'll report back to you guys my level of success (or lack of success).

Finally, this is day 5 of my 21 day schedule for Reed Byron's Instant Millionaire Now and Psychic Development hypnosis CDs. I'll let you know how things are going after day 21.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

A Cool Site... More Third Eye

Reading up everywhere on the internet I can find more info on the third eye, I came across this little site that has really good information. I wanted to share it with you.'s Third Eye

Enjoy! Also, audio testers, the first two entrainment programs are up.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Third Eye Development

Yay! Finally, I'm getting some signs that the third eye work I've been doing for the past couple of weeks is working. So here again is a summary:

By lightly being aware of the area between your eyebrows, you will begin to feel a tingling, that being your third eye chakra being stimulated. So what I have been doing daily, when I think to, and often during riding in the car or listening to my Reed Byron (Hypno-Success) hypnosis CDs, is to be aware of that spot and allow the tingling to occur.

The next step, says everything I've read so far, is that when being aware of your third eye with your eyes closed, you will see a golden light. Lately, as I'm drifting off to sleep, I have done some third eye focus, and the golden light is beginning to come through. It's like the space that has usually been dark and one-dimensional begins to become a three-dimensional moving picture. I am beginning to get scenes filled with light. Last night, for instance, I saw what looked like Greek buildings with bright golden light shining through the columns.

This means my third eye is awakening. The main benefits of working your third eye are that psychic abilities begin developing noticeably and astral projection/out of body work becomes much easier, more natural and more common. I can't wait! I'm now sold on the third eye work, and will continue to report the results as I work on it.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

21 Days!

So I discovered something cool today. I noticed that Reed's programs on Hypno Success recommend listening at least once a day for 21 days. I thought that was nice and all. Then today I kept bumping into other information about 21 days. Finally I found the root of it:

Dr. Maxwell Maltz, MD, a plastic surgeon with New York Hospitals conducted extensive studies of why brain circuits take "engrams" (memory traces), and produce neuropathways only if they are bombarded for 21 days in a row.

This means that our brain does not accept "new" data for a change of habit unless it is repeated each day for 21 days (without missing a day).

So daily bombardment with subconscious suggestions for 21 days causes that suggestion (or group of suggestions) to take permanent root. What happens if you don't?

John Kappas PhD, a psychologist in southern California while working with the department of psychology at U.C.L.A., discovered that 83% of the hypnotizable population will “dream out” or “dump” the hypnotic programming installed by a hypnotherapist within 3 to 7 days rendering it ineffective. Since most people don't remember their dreams, they are unaware of dreaming out the hypnotic programming they received.

This is why many people that are hypnotized to stop smoking start smoking again within 3 to 7 days. Or when hypnotized to lose weight do great for a few days and then go back to their old habits. What happened is they dreamed out the hypnotic programming to stop smoking or eat healthier and returned to their previous behavior.

So it takes 21 days to change subconscious beliefs, and without constant reinforcement, your subconscious will dump the new programming behind your back and resume its old ways. Here's the link to that info (I have found the same info on other sites, but this is the one I have pulled up right now)

Go to google and type in "21 days" (with the quotation marks) - notice all the things that come up! Also try ["21 days" hypnosis] (without the brackets). Learn to program in 21 days. Stop smoking in 21 days. Lose weight in 21 days. All of these are taking the 21-day concept and adapting it to the needs of the consumer. If you impress your mind with something for 21 days, it apparently does the trick. I am now 3 days fully into two of my hypno-success programs. I will continue to run them for 21 days. At the moment, I am running them quietly in the background during the day, and even when I am watching video or listening to music, I keep it barely audible in the background. I am rotating these two CDs fairly equally. When 21 days is up, I will let you know what my results are. If I don't see an honest to god change, I will report it. If I DO see an honest to god change, I will report it. I will go ahead and report now that since beginning these CDs a couple of days ago, I note that after these sessions I feel lighter, happier, more easy going and this effect lasts the rest of the day. Little things don't bother me. Meanwhile, life is moving more smoothly in all respects.

Does anyone else have experience or knowledge about the "21 day" rule for forming memory traces (engrams) in the neuropathways? I'd love to get more info on this. If 21 days of bombardment with hypnosis is even 80% guaranteed to affect the change that the hypnosis is geared towards, then a person can change their lives from the direst of circumstances into a practical paradise within a few months!

Monday, February 26, 2007

A Somewhat Success

Wow, so my Novadreamer is STARTING to yield me results. The first 4 nights or so I used it, after about an hour I became very uncomfortable and took it off. Finally last night I stayed asleep for several hours without it bothering me (it's really a matter of perseverance until you become accustomed to wearing it). On checking it this morning I found that it had signaled me twice for dreamstate. The second time it caused a vivid but bizarre dream to turn scary. I don't remember when the flashes actually happened, and I don't recall anything in the dream that would have been the flashes or the sound, but I know when it happened because the dream suddenly changed.

I was in the bedroom where I grew up. In there I had a large closet. In the dream, I was just hanging out in there with my wife. When the novadreamer signalled me, the dream became a nightmare. I walked into my closet and found some windows looking out into the backyard - outside was a man just walking away from the window. He had been prowling and looking for a way in. I started banging on the window and opened it and yelled at him, at which point he made an excuse about trying to find something in the yard. Then he became angry and ran toward me. I got the window closed as he ripped out the screen and started trying to open the window. The rest of the dream, for the few seconds it went on, was me trying to keep him out while yelling for my wife to run. I woke up quickly, and my wife said I had been breathing deeply and groaning.

Now that might sound like a put-off, but for me it's a great sign. When I was doing most of my lucid dream work, back in college, I found that horror dreams were the easiest for me to become lucid in. I would watch Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street or Halloween movies all night, then go to sleep. When Jason would enter my dream, I would realize I was dreaming, become lucid, and then change the dream. Nightmares have a special, vivid quality to them, and as my life really doesn't have any horror aspects to it, nightmares cause me to question what's going on. Which is why I often become lucid. Of course, the last time I had a nightmare was probably several years ago, so to ME, having this one last night and knowing that the novadreamer was a part of it, means that I'm about to begin becoming lucid again. Woot!

Yeah, I wooted. So what?

Anyway, I'm also running Reed Byron's Millionaire Mind and Psychic Abilities CDs as frequently as I can. Millionaire Mind begins with relaxation into a deep trance. Then one voice works a hypnosis script, and then finally both ears get bombarded with various versions of that hypnosis script. The confusing effect is perfect for getting the messages in past the conscious mind and into the subconscious, and the actual suggestions, as I've mentioned about Reed's stuff in a previous post, go straight for the gold: mind creates reality, subconscious mind attracting wealth. The Psychic Abilities CD is even more interesting - it just immediately begins with two voices, one for each ear, both dimmed so that they are hard to make out consciously. These voices grow louder and fade, even moving three dimensionally from ear to ear and back. I can barely tell what's being said, but I'm beginning to feel the results.

As a side note, I am beginning creation of some audio programs for the main site. I have a few testers signed up, but still more than 20 slots remaining. Please feel free to grab a spot if you want. It's $25 and gives you free access to all completed audio programs I will ever produce, as well as giving you early access to help me test and perfect the works-in-progress. Also, I will be offering one for free on my site when it is complete. This one is one I have been using, and I will be getting my testers to help me perfect it. It is a Headache Reliever - I figure I should make this one free because, come on, headaches suck. It has worked on most of the stress, sinus, or eye-strain headaches I've had over the past couple of months. Now I would like to fine tune it to work even better. When it's done, you will see it as a free download on Until then, if you'd like to join the audio testers, go to

If anyone else has some stories to relate on lucid dreaming or the like, please drop a comment on this blog post. I have this blog set up so that you don't have to be a member of in order to post comments. Thanks!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Hypno Success vs. Others

OK, so I finally received some new CDs and have been running them this weekend. They are definitely the best I've found, and the suggestions played into each ear are excellent. I tried some others by other people, and found most to be so poor that I discarded them. I tried one by Alex Armani, and it was nice, but when I listened closely to the suggestions made in each ear, I disagree with his tactics.

For instance, using Instant Millionaire, Reed Byron (of Hypno Success) uses suggestions that condition the mind to attract wealth and riches. Armani's, on the other hand, tells the mind to make a to-do list every day, stick to it, invest and reinvest 15% of profits. Now, Armani has a point - this is a good system for long-term generation of wealth. A good, conscious system for long term money making. That's not what we're interested in though. Why play a conscious system to the unconscious mind, and why pick a system that reaps rewards after decades? Reed's actually tells the subconscious to attract money instantly and forevermore.

So in the realm of "Brain Speak", "Esoteric Programming" and whatever else silly buzzwords all of these different producers of similar hypnosis/NLP/entrainment CDs use, they are very different. It's obvious that Reed GETS that mind creates reality. Armani obviously is in a material system, teaching techniques that would be better left to a business seminar.

When you are trying new Hypnosis CDs out, listen to the words in the parts during which you would usually be asleep or entranced. You want to make sure that the suggestions are in line with what you are trying to do. There are some terrible products out there that can be very harmful. For instance, a stop smoking program once gave this suggestion: "If I continue to smoke I will get cancer". WOW what a bad suggestion! If the person doesn't stop smoking (and what in the program actually caused the person to want to stop smoking?), their mind is now conditioned to create cancer. A Hypnosis CD that practically guarantees cancer. That is SO not what you want...

So although I am a big fan of Hypnosis programs, I recommend you find out WHO you are getting these from, what they believe about reality, and then finally, LISTEN to what their suggestions say. There are very good hypnotists with a grander version of reality in mind, and they can help you. There are a lot of morons out there who want to make a buck. Make sure you're buying from the former. And my favorite of all is Reed Byron of It actually took me a few months to decide to buy the first couple of programs I bought from them. Their website is ugly and shoddy, and I just plain didn't like the look of it. Funny to find out they have the best hypnosis/NLP programs, and now I'm glad I gave them a chance rather than judge them by their website.

Also I would like to recommend two movies if you haven't seen them yet. First is The Celestine Prophecy, which came out last year sometime. It's based on the first in a series of books by James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy, which was the first spiritual novel I ever read. I have a very fond place in my heart for that story, and the movie did a good job of bringing it to screen. Also, the movie Conversations With God was very good, although I kind of felt there was a lot more time spent on Neale's homeless year(s) than on the God message. But it was still very good and I would recommend it. Now I must go - I am rewatching both of those movies tonight with my wife. Have a good night!