Thursday, February 1, 2007

Welcome to Metaphysical Mumbo Jumbo


You may already know me as jonpeeoh from - if not, allow me to introduce myself.

I am a spiritual seeker going on nearly 20 years now. I have read hundreds if not thousands of metaphysical/psychic/spiritual/scientific/quantum physics books, meditated on and off for the past 10 years with varying experience/progress, played with entrainment (binaural, monaural, hypnosis, sleep programming, etc), used psychedelics for the purpose of revelation (not recreationally), and basically tried to get my foot in the door of anything to do with mysticism, spirituality, psychic abilities, and learning how to control my life and affect the world through my mind.

As anyone knows who has begun this journey, it never ends. However, I feel that I have plenty of information/experience to share that would be useful to those who are now where I was one, two, or even ten years ago. And so I began the website,, stressing the principles of manifestation and the Law of Attraction. The feedback on my three e-books, We Are God, The Secrets of Manifesting Your Reality, and Ten Steps to Manifesting Your Desires has been overwhelmingly positive. Thanks to all of you who have emailed me with your wonderful, supportive words.

Lately I have not updated my site, except for a brief explanation of what I've been up to over the past 3 months. I will get back to writing articles soon, but I'm still in the middle of some personal research, including a book I'm working through, a CD case full of new binaural, monaural and hypnotic programs I'm working through, and a full work-week with a wife, a kid and a baby at home, not to mention an extensive number of pets. I'm also compiling my e-books from, adding a fourth, which I'm calling The Meaning of Life, and sending them off to be reviewed for publication by an independent press that has expressed interest.

So I wanted to be able to write, but not exactly articles. More like a Thoughts'n'Things log. You know, like an online log of what's going on... a weblog. Maybe shorten that, call it "blog"... Hey, that's kinda catchy - "blog". Who knows, maybe the term will catch on...

Anyway, I will try to drop daily posts about what I'm contemplating, what I'm using, and what I would recommend to others. Mostly the first, but occasionally I will recommend books, audio programs, or a website or two. The most important thing for you to know is that I will only recommend sites I truly use and enjoy myself. I will not recommend a site just to get an affiliate commission. I will however become an affiliate to any site (or for books, via Amazon) for which there is a product I want to recommend. I don't see anything wrong with collecting commissions for sending sales to people when the customer is getting a fantastic product. I have done this on my website as well, and to date, my sum total from affiliate advertising (primarily using Amazon to reference books), is right around $1.50 - that's after four months of my website being up. So I'm not exactly making a killing.

Also, if I am picked up by a publisher for my e-book compilation, those e-books will disappear from my site overnight. If anyone is interested in grabbing a copy of those, even of the free e-book We Are God, I recommend you run over to and snatch em now. The guestimated time between being accepted and seeing my book hit a bookshelf is approximately 7 months, and for that amount of time those e-books will not be available at all.

Thank you all for joining me - check in tomorrow for more!


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