Friday, March 9, 2007

I've Had It With The Gurus

What I'm about to say is not an attack on Bob Proctor. I believe that what he is teaching is true, correct, and wonderful. I am very fond of him from The Secret and the videos I have found of his. His books are fantastic as are his audio programs. However, I am disappointed today, and fed up with gurus in general. Here's the deal:

On Bob's website, there is a coaching program. It is very select, chosen by Bob himself on receiving your application, a phone interview, etc... In addition, you are guaranteed to receive all of his material free as a part of this course. Call me incredibly naive... But the program seemed to me to be a generous outreach of Bob to a few people he personally chooses to help them take their lives and turn them around. I figured this was free, or at least not insanely priced.

So after my application, at the end of the phone interview, I was accepted into the program. My excitement peaked. And that's when the interviewer mentioned that I would need to pay just under $7000 for the program. I told him that simply wasn't possible at this exact moment, and he said that Bob would say to attract it to me, don't worry about the way. I agree with this. But my personal skill at manifestation has not yet built up to that level. I receive what I need right as I need it, and I am led out of harm's way. Sometimes I manage to manifest a nice treat. But the problem is, I wanted a mentor who would assist me in raising this process to another level. If I can manifest that type of money in the next month (which is when the program will begin), then what do I need Bob for? If I can raise $7000 out of thin air in one month, I'd say I've pretty much arrived.

So in my disappointment, I've made another decision. I opened my website,, to disperse information and to sell e-books at a very low, affordable price. I've done alright. But this spiritual information, the law of attraction, the power of creating reality, is what will help all of humanity to move forward. If I help you, then the energy I have put out will return to me. Therefore, rather than charge the $9.99 which I felt was more than fair and cheap enough, I'm through selling. The world needs this information, the world needs a higher spirituality and form of consciousness.

I'm scrapping the manuscript with the new section, The Meaning of Life, and tossing it out. I will not be writing anymore e-books for a long time. I began the site to help myself more than anyone else, to solidify my own thoughts and amplify them, to help me to step back into my spiritual process of unfolding. I am back in that flow, and that purpose is served. I may write more articles, I'm not sure. But from this point on they will be different.

I have focused on the theories and on beginning applications. I'm through with that. There are important things you can do to boost yourself into a spiritual reality, and that's what is important - the practical experience, not the many "why"'s that come with them. There's enough information out there to piece that picture together with. From this point forward, I will be focused on practical applications and how to literally reshape your life as quickly as possible into a magickal, spiritual experience of joy.

I am going right now to my page to remove the paypal links and set direct links to the e-books. They are all free. The Secrets of Manifesting Your Reality is free now. Ten Steps to Manifesting Your Desires is free. Enjoy. I am no longer standing on a stable ground of understanding. Having moved back into the flow, my reality and concepts of reality are once again shifting and changing daily, weekly, monthly. I look at parts of those writings and decide right now that I would write some parts differently. Same for the articles. However, as spiritual growth can be viewed as a series of stairsteps, I will leave my steps visible to others who may be able to walk up them as well.

In the future, expect contrasting, contradictory information, as reality is not static and maybe what works one day works differently the next. Maybe I see it in a new light. Maybe I was just plain wrong before. I do the best I can, but I'm not perfect. I'm perfecting. Just as everyone is. I fully intend to ascend within this lifetime, and I fully intend to enjoy a lifetime of immense wealth. But I guarantee you this: When I am a wealthy, rich, powerful manifester, I will assist others in learning the process FOR FREE. I will not want anything from you.

I made many mistakes in setting up jonpeeoh. Two in particular: 1) If you offer something for nothing, people do not value it - so I made it cheap. And I offered plenty of free stuff. The funny thing is, the free articles were valued more than the e-books, which shattered my original conception of something-for-nothing-being-undervalued. 2) I sold the e-books cheap. If I was going to sell them, I should have sold them for $50 apiece. The only thing more suspect than an information product for sale is an information product for sale CHEAP. I, having recently been through a very rough financial period, know better than anyone that $10 is a price I could have shouldered many times, but $20-$50 for an e-book? That could have fed my family a few times... However, a $10 e-book reeks to others of poor information, of a cheap effort to make a buck. I'll let you know right now, I spent more than three times as much money on adwords pulling people into my website than I ever made on e-book sales. If jonpeeoh was a business, it'd have a CLOSED sign hanging on the door.

I want to create a community, and that really has not happened yet. The forums were overrun by idiot spammers who were spamming to an empty room, and now the process of signing up is such a pain, who would bother? I set up an audio tester program for some entrainment/nlp/hypnosis products I would like to develop, had 9 people sign up, and after two and a half weeks I haven't had a comment, an email, nor any indication of life from any of them. I am refunding their money today, and I am shutting down the audio program. If you want audio programs, many fantastic ones are out there. I do not wish to be a one-man audio program generator, as this is far too much work for one person with no assistance. Also, just because something works for me, doesn't mean it works or works the same way for others, and vice versa. Without others' feedback, I could be selling useless programs. If I decide to offer audio programs in the future, they'll be free.

Anyway, I will still attempt to make a little money off my page. The way this will work is by using adsense ads, as well as my Amazon affiliate links. If you click through a book on my website (or for instance, in the previous post), and buy the book, I get a few cents for it. That's right, you buy a $20 book, I get about 30-50 cents. Not exactly a killing. You click on an adsense ad you're interested in, and I will make anywhere between 0-8 cents in general. Also not exactly a killing. What I DO like about that is that it doesn't cost me anything, as adwords does. I'm done paying for advertising. Anyone who finds my site, now finds it of their own synchronistic process.

The purpose of my site from now on will be dissemination of spiritual knowledge. If I can cause that to become a dialog with others, so much the better. Otherwise, it's me talking to myself. Either way, I'm fine with it. Anyway, I've blathered enough.

Take that, Bob Proctor!

Awakening the Third Eye

Amazon has this book in stock again (it's out of print) - I finally got a copy. After working the first couple of exercises last night, I had very powerful sensations in my third eye, hands, heart and throat. I went to bed and had incredibly vivid, colorful dreams all night. This may be the most important book I've ever owned.

If you want to stop "learning about" spiritual crap and start doing it, this is THE book you want. Everything in the book is based on practical experience, and the techniques will almost immediately give you that experience to begin with and develop. There's no visualization, no "trying", no concentrating... Just simple exercises that work!

Once again, says at some point in the near future, this book will be available online for free. As soon as that happens, I will post a link to it.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Day 9 of 21

Alright, so on day 8 of 21 (yesterday) of my program using Reed's CD's, I received a surprise bonus at my workplace for nearly a full paycheck. That's awesome. I'm curious to see how the money will find ways to come in other than via my current job. However, that much money's not bad for 1/3 of the way into my 21 day schedule. I'm excited to see what's next!

Also just finished rereading The Secret of Shambhala. I absolutely must recommend the Celestine Prophecy trilogy (when he finally writes The Twelfth Insight, it will be a qualogy, I suppose). They are beyond fantastic, and use a parable-style fictional story to illustrate spiritual principles as far as raising energy, projecting your expectations/energy into the universe to cause things to fall into place synchronistically for your highest good. This is the same thing as the Law of Attraction, but written out in a very practical, useable way. I first read these books years ago, and now I'm seeing them with a fresh perspective - they were ahead of their time, and can be used as excellent manuals for getting control of your life and manifesting your desires.

Finally, I have ordered a pair of video glasses, something I've wanted for a long, long time. They came from, the VG-920D, which for this price range is about the best you can do. I am excited to use them for TV, movies, and the computer (games as well as general use) - they project a virtual 80" screen about a meter in front of you. I also plan to find and/or develop some video that I can use with these to entrance myself, allowing for easier meditation and possibly for easy full-conscious astral projection. Kind of along the same theory as long-drive projections. That is, after driving for hours, you may notice when you close your eyes that you get a very clear image of the road in front of you as though you were still driving. You can use these times, if you're not terribly exhausted, to step into that picture as a full conscious OBE. I'm thinking by using the immersive quality of these glasses and creating tunnel videos or light patterned videos, I can stimulate my brain enough to allow me to enjoy this effect during my meditation times. I'll let you know how it goes, it'll be anywhere between 1-3 weeks before they arrive (coming from Australia).