It's been about a week since I wrote on here. There's a good reason for that - I'm undergoing some changes. Right after finishing my 21 day routine with the hypnosis programs, I've noticed that my sleep has changed. It's more difficult to fall asleep, although my brain is not chattering. I wake up several times throughout the night, have more vivid, longer, run-together meshes of dreams, and can remember them the next day. I awake only slightly more rested than I was when I went to bed.
Of course, this is a good thing. I haven't had a spiritual makeover in a long time. You can always tell periods of transformation because your night time astral experiences are much more demanding, and as your spiritual bodies are being worked on, you will find sleep more tedious, dreams more vivid, and daily life somewhat more bland. I've entered into a phase of laziness over the past week so deeply that I'm not quite sure I'm good for anything. Just hoping this adjustment happens quickly so I can resume normal functioning.
I'm wondering what kind of benefits I will gain once this is all over. I do have to say that since finishing the 21 days of Millionaire Mind, I feel much more positive and relaxed, and financially I feel like things are about to get better. Once this has kicked in fully, I expect life to take a nosedive, only upward. I'm excited.
So that's where I've been. I'll check back in with you guys later.