Heart versus Third Eye
For a long time I've played in the camp (the apparently only camp) of heart-chakra-focus for balance and meditation. Everything I had seen, read, or heard had said that focus on the heart chakra was the best way to get results while keeping your entire energy being in balance. I did have nice success with this, and I can attest that it works. However for certain things - out-of-body, remote viewing, lucid dreaming, etc - I didn't get the results I wanted. What I want to talk about today is fairly new to me, and I don't attest that it is true, any more than I attest that focus on the heart chakra is true.
In Samuel Sagan's audio program for awakening the third eye, he says that the energy centers in the body all deal with the external world, except for the third eye, which turns inward. It is the door INTO ourselves. He claims that focus on the third eye will actually provide the balance and results, and that the heart is a misunderstood concept. Heartness and Love come from all chakras and all energy centers, not just the heart chakra.
I'm not recommending neglecting the heart center, but I began working on third eye awareness a week ago, activating and holding my third eye as often throughout each day as I think to. And here are my results:
1) Better clarity of thought, focus, concentration.
2) Better outlook on my life from a more detached, hopeful perspective.
3) Feeling of peace and well-being, even throughout a few highly stressful occurrences (which I believe arose in order to show me the power of these third eye techniques). In each of these cases, a situation arose that, two weeks ago, would have raised my stress level through the roof. And probably they would not have resolved nicely. Using my third eye techniques, I maintained calm, serenity, and focused on a simple mantra for each occurrence to resolve peacefully and easily. And in every case they did!
The third eye also gives an amazing boon: instant total focus/concentration! This is a secret that I didn't know about. As soon as I realized it, I found information on this in at least 10 different places over the course of two days. When you become aware of the area between your eyebrows (rolling your eyes up to stare at it can help to start the sensation, but straining will cause problems - instead, try to simply be aware of that area without looking), any thought that you hold becomes your center of focus. Other thoughts do not invade. That means focus is 100%. That means that if you become aware of your third eye and then focus on a thought/mantra/idea, you can sustain long-term focus on that thought. In each case I mentioned above, the mantras I did only lasted for about 5 minutes. After that I resumed my day, feeling fine. If five minutes of pure focus can manifest smooth resolutions to those things, imagine the manifestation power of this technique! Learning zen-like focus is the subject of thousands of books, audio sets, and workshops around the globe - and you can develop it instantly with an easy exercise that you can perform any time of day.
I just activated my third eye now - it took me literally less than half of a second. It's so easy - once you can feel it, you can turn it on when you want! The more you do this, the more it develops, until you develop new abilities, inner vision, and psychic abilities. Working on your third eye will cause the spontaneous arousal of these abilities (and more):
1) Out of body/astral projection
2) Lucid dreaming
3) Precognizance
4) Clairvoyance/Clairaudience
5) Remote Viewing
6) Telekinesis/Psychokinesis
7) Aura/Energy vision
8) Anything else you can imagine
The third eye is the easiest meditation I've ever done, and you can literally feel the progress! Clarity is enhanced, thinking is improved, emotions are raised, life goes smoother. I recommend checking out Samuel Sagan's audio program, recommended below, for a start - he gives such techniques as breath friction and nice meditations that allow you to feel the third eye so that you can activate it at will - priceless. His book, Awakening the Third Eye, is out of print, and can be found used on Amazon, but will very soon be given away for free on their website, in the Free Stuff section. I'm not sure when, but they promised soon! When it becomes available there, I will post a link. Their site, btw, is www.clairvision.org - check it out!
So it looks like the good stuff, the really GOOD stuff, comes from third-eye work. I'm not saying abandon chakra cleansing and heart-chakra meditation and raising energy, but please, add an extra element of third-eye focus to your routines - you will find it makes a huge difference in a very positive way!