Friday, February 9, 2007

What an Awesome Week!

It's been an incredibly exciting week here. Between playing in the portal ( and the new release of Day Job Killer by the creator of Affiliate Project X and Adwords Miracle, I've had more fun this week than in the past 6 months!

I also finally received my Randy Gage book from the phone call I was on, which led to my joining ManifestLife. I've read three fourths of the book tonight, and I have to tell you, it's absolutely amazing! The man is genius - go grab his book, Why You're Dumb, Sick & Broke... And How to Get Smart, Healthy & Rich - you won't be disappointed!

Also check out Day Job Killer, which I mentioned above. Using the techniques in Direct Link X for only one product, I have spent $60 in advertising and made $300 in returns within two days. The only reason I haven't done more is that I have limited myself to $30 per day. Tomorrow, I'm opening the door up wide to see what kind of profit I can bring in. If you've piddled with making money online as an affiliate, this is the product to take you from being a burning-your-cash-in-the-adwords-machine failure to a reaping-massive-profits success. Chris McNeeney's got my vote!

And finally, the other book I'm currently reading, The Genius Frequency, just keeps getting better and better. I highly recommend this book.

And on the subject of that book, all the material I'm reading lately is hitting one chord in common: the fact that as you keep spiritual/self-advancement information in your daily life, the insights/theories/practices come into being more quickly. That's why I'm most happy with Manifest Life (for link, see any of a number of links below - there's actually still a few coupons left for $30 off) - it gives me an unlimited amount of spiritual, prosperous, manifestation information/knowledge, constantly updated, which allows me to engage daily in new reading, listening, etc that keeps my mind focused on manifestation and my intent to create a richer, happier, healthier life. Because this is kept in my awareness more often, I vibrate with that frequency more often, which causes things in my life to more quickly reshape in a way that validates all of this information. Things have been getting steadily better, happier, more exciting, and more prosperous in my life over the past couple of weeks, and I feel that my preoccupation with Manifest Life is the culprit... I've already shoved it down your throats, but if you're not willing to trade $197 (or $167 with the coupon) for 2 years of access to this kind of resource, please don't whine to me. Reading about manifestation and even intellectually understanding it is great, but until you make contemplation, further education, and focus on this a part of your daily life, you won't see the results you want. Manifest Life just makes it really really easy to do that.

Anyway enough, I have to go check on my sales figures again, and then dance my ass off to bed...

Monday, February 5, 2007

Our Ultimate Reality


I can't overlook this site - you guys should check it out. It's been nearly two years since I bought their e-book, Our Ultimate Reality, and was blown away. It's amazing - tons of new info presented from a unique perspective. If you CLICK HERE you can sign up to receive the first seven chapters (one per day for a week) for free by email. I did this deal and by the third day I was sold, but don't take my word for it - get your free seven chapters and see if you like it or not.

With so much redundant spiritual info going around these days, it was nice to find something fresh. Enjoy!


Hey guys,

Remarkably, there are still some coupons left - run over to Manifest Life and grab a 2-year membership for $30 (that's 4 months!) off before they're gone! Forward me your receipt and when I complete my manuscript (consisting of: We Are God, The Secrets of Manifesting Your Reality, Ten Steps to Manifesting Your Desires, and The Meaning of Life), I will send you the full book for free! Use the coupon code: 467E

Today I'm reading about pranayama and the use of the breath. Over the past few months, I've come across a large amount of info on how breathing deeply affects our reality, from health to outer conditions to happiness to lifespan... Here's a good intro spot: Holistic Online

Anyone who's big on pranayama, please drop some comments - I'd love to hear more.