Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Awesome Environmental Kid Tees

As a parent, I have to say this is my favorite Tee site ever!

Peas on Earth


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Value of Solipsism

Awhile back I mentioned I was undertaking a solipsist approach to meditation and daily thought. It was mentioned that this was a dangerous point of view to take. Tonight I am reading an outstanding book by Osho, The Book of Secrets. It drew me in and caused me to shell out nearly $40 today - I was in an altered state of consciousness after reading 1 page...

One of the 112 Tantras (techniques) for enlightenment is to approach life as though it is a dream - to remember in every waking moment that you are interacting in a dream - that you and everyone are merely actors and the world is the stage and props. Here is a very nicely summed up paragraph by Osho about the method:

To give you the feeling that you are playing a role, to give you the feeling that this is only a predetermined pattern that you are fulfilling, to give you this feeling so that you can transcend it, this is the device. It is very difficult because we are so much accustomed to thinking of fate as a theory - not only as a theory, but as a law. We cannot understand this attitude of taking these laws and theories as devices.

And here's is the explanation of the mechanism for this device:

Remember this: do not do anything to change it, just remember it constantly. Try to remember for three weeks continuously that whatsoever you are doing it is just a dream. In the beginning it is very difficult. You will fall again and again into the old pattern of the mind, you will start thinking that this is a reality. You will have to constantly awaken yourself to remind yourself that "This is a dream." If for three weeks continuously you can maintain this attitude, then in the fourth or fifth week, any night while dreaming you will suddenly remember that "This is a dream."

This is one way to penetrate dreams with consciousness, with awareness. If you can remember in the night while dreaming that this is a dream, then in the day you will not need any effort to remember that this is also a dream. You will know it then.

In the beginning, while you are practicing this, it will be just a make-believe. You start just in faith... "This is a dream." But when you can remember in dreaming that this is a dream, it will become a reality. Then in the day, when you get up you will not feel that you are getting up from sleep, you will feel you are simply getting up from one dreaming into another. Then it will become a reality. And if the whole twenty-four hours becomes dreaming, and you can feel and remember it, you will be standing at your center. Then your consciousness will have become double-arrowed.
I highly recommend this book - I feel I've found my tantra by complete luck without having to search through the other 111. Here's the book:

Friday, July 6, 2007

Three Free EBooks on Manifestation

Some of you are new to my blog and website, jonpeeoh.com - to get started, grab my three free e-books:

We Are God

The Secrets of Manifesting Your Reality

Ten Steps to Manifesting Your Desires

Seeya Soon!

Pass It On

I'll spare you the usual "It's been awhile"... We've had an illness-turned-death in the near family, plus lots of other business going on the past couple of months. Things are returning to normal now though, and so here I am!

If you guys haven't already, you MUST check out Pass It On - a new movie taking up where The Secret left off, with some of my favorite teachers from The Secret in it! It's totally cool.

Anyway, my focus has been outside of spiritual development and more into daily necessities of late, so I'm trying to rechannel my energy back into the spiritual realm. Hope you all are well!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Project Black Mask... The next big Day Job Killer

Hey guys,

I know this is a little off-topic, but you guys know I also dabble in internet marketing, trying to escape the rat race... Well, the guys that brought us Affiliate Project X and Day Job Killer have a new one out TODAY! This one's called Project Black Mask, and apparently teaches how to bring tons of free traffic in as well as make large amounts of money from Adsense. I'm excited because I don't have capital to throw towards adwords lately, and anything that can make some money without paying for ads is great. Adsense is doing ok for me, but I'd love to learn how to make real money with it. Every ebook I've read has been a load of crap, so I'm glad to see Chris McNeeney has a product out - all of his stuff is excellent and I trust him.

Check it out here in 20 minutes (3:00 EST, 2:00 CST, 12:00 PST):

Project Black Mask


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Secret has a Sequel!!!


Pass It On is the next step after The Secret - specifically how to apply the Law of Attraction and manifest the life you want. This is the next big thing folks - it's going to be huge! Get in early!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Tunguska Blast

I've recently come across a really cool product called Tunguska Blast. A network marketing company called CyberWize is behind it, and also behind the new upcoming movie Pass It On, which is basically the next step after The Secret. This is the next big thing folks - get on board!

Tunguska Blast is a dietary supplement that gives you more energy, makes you sleep better, strengthens your immune system and can even help you lose weight naturally, all by providing your body with valuable nutrients that we don't get in our daily life. But it's no ordinary dietary supplement... it's made from the plants that came from the valley where the Tunguska Blast happened in 1908. This region grows four times faster than other natural places, and the plants there have very powerful regenerative effects. I began using Tunguska 2 weeks ago, and my energy has been through the roof, my sleep has been fantastic, and I've decided to join up with CyberWize and try to get a few customers so that my monthly bottle can be free (lol).

Go to The Online Professional and you can find info on CyberWize and becoming an IBO (Independent Business Owner), Tunguska Blast and its effects, and ShopWize, which is a deal CyberWize has going with tons of big name online businesses (including Hallmark, Wal-Mart, 1-800-Flowers, and tons more) to give anyone using ShopWize stores better deals on online purchases.

Finally, go directly to Pass It On: The Movie to see some of your favorite Secret teachers and the many others who are making this movie the next BIG THING! Believe me, many of you found my site due solely to The Secret. You want step two? You want to take that information and make it practical? This movie is going to do that! You can pre-order, watch the trailer, see all about the teachers, sign up as an affiliate, become a member of the community, use forums, have your own blog... it's really cool. And the movie will go viral very quickly - just wait!

Anyway that's what's up here. Other things I've been up to lately: Re-reading Robert Monroe's Far Journeys and The Ultimate Journey, and a book on raising Kundalini that I have had for 10 years but never read. Other than that, daily life, as always!


Friday, May 18, 2007

Good Stuff

Took a couple of days off recently, enjoyed re-reading some old favorites. I highly recommend:

Far Journeys and then Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe
Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah (a personal favorite) by Richard Bach. These fantastic books should be purchased at a store and absolutely NOT discovered elsewhere for free, such as here, here, here, or here, respectively. Remember, these authors have truly earned their money by giving us such important, helpful spiritual works.

Also I'm reading a couple of books by Michael Sharp, who is one of my new favorite authors. You can find plenty of great stuff at his website. His e-book versions of his books are very low-priced. It's much kinder to buy them than to find them somewhere such as scribd.com (Like here or here). That would be wrong, which is too bad, because that information should be read by everyone...

Here's his website

Thursday, May 10, 2007

It's Been Awhile...

Sorry for those of you who have been visiting - I haven't updated in at least a month. I'm going through a transition that is difficult to describe. Here is basically what is going on:

I began reading Franz Bardon's book on beginning Magick... I'm interested in getting through it so I can move into the second book on summoning spirits.

Now, remembering back to the most profound mystical experience I have had, I am beginning to fall back into the thinking of solipsism... Before I lose you, let me state that I still believe that the one consciousness is within each and every part of this creation, and that you and I and everyone have a consciousness, albeit they all are ultimately just the one... However I have the distinct nagging feeling that by approaching life with a solipsist approach, I will be able to make the most progress at this point in time.

What is solipsism? Basically, it is that my consciousness I am sure of, but everything else I ultimately can not prove. Therefore I can't put faith in it. I can't prove outer reality, I can't prove that anyone else is really conscious. In effect, I begin to feel that the world is only a projection of my own consciousness, which I also believe is essentially true. However, taking the approach that everyone I see is an actor, and every item is a prop and every event or place is a stage, I can actually begin to feel this, and I begin to perceive personal messages coming from the universe via these various actors and scenes. Manifestation appears to happen faster.

From this solipsist viewpoint, I've temporarily thrown Bardon's work aside, as I'm beginning to feel that I lend my power to the outside world in order for it to function apparently separately from me. By putting stock in elements, elementals, angels, tools, etc, I am essentially distributing my own energy and power to these projections so that they may appear to me to have a life of their own. Instead, I am attempting to pull this energy back into myself.

I have been taking nightly bathing meditations, sitting in swimming-pool-temperature water, and quieting my mind of thought. When the words fade and I enter the Now moment more firmly, I feel a presence of mind, or my higher spirit, or whatever you want to call it, very strongly. It is difficult to talk after these experiences, as silence becomes so comfortable that words feel like a drop in consciousness (as anyone who's been here can attest).

I have attempted some telekinesis in this state, and had interesting results. I have attempted to knock things over, rearrange things, etc... And the things I put the most energy into doing, occurred, although not instantly. I would notice the next day that when I entered the room those things would be in the state I had attempted to put them in using my mind the night before. Maybe someone in the house would knock over what I was attempting before to knock over, etc. These manifestations show me that what I am willing is happening, but is still having to utilize the other actors and props in my little physical-reality show to do so. But I'm close!

With this kind of interesting development going on, I haven't really known what to write here. After these events, I am usually silent until going to bed. The next day, I'm dunked head first back into my daily waking life... So I decided to drop in today and leave this post so you know I'm still around. Just doing... something...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


It's been about a week since I wrote on here. There's a good reason for that - I'm undergoing some changes. Right after finishing my 21 day routine with the hypnosis programs, I've noticed that my sleep has changed. It's more difficult to fall asleep, although my brain is not chattering. I wake up several times throughout the night, have more vivid, longer, run-together meshes of dreams, and can remember them the next day. I awake only slightly more rested than I was when I went to bed.

Of course, this is a good thing. I haven't had a spiritual makeover in a long time. You can always tell periods of transformation because your night time astral experiences are much more demanding, and as your spiritual bodies are being worked on, you will find sleep more tedious, dreams more vivid, and daily life somewhat more bland. I've entered into a phase of laziness over the past week so deeply that I'm not quite sure I'm good for anything. Just hoping this adjustment happens quickly so I can resume normal functioning.

I'm wondering what kind of benefits I will gain once this is all over. I do have to say that since finishing the 21 days of Millionaire Mind, I feel much more positive and relaxed, and financially I feel like things are about to get better. Once this has kicked in fully, I expect life to take a nosedive, only upward. I'm excited.

So that's where I've been. I'll check back in with you guys later.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Left or Right Brain?

I just learned something interesting from a Brian Walsch video, and wanted to share it... If you want to see whether you are currently focused in your right brain or left brain, or rather which hemisphere you are currently primarily operating from, take a deep breath in through your nose. The nostril that takes in the most air is your indicator. If it's the left nostril, you are focused in your right brain. Right nostril, left brain. If there's no difference, you're in between.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Day 15 of 21

Wow, the more I read and work the exercises, the more I'm convinced that the natural companion to Astral Dynamics, and the new #1 most important book EVER is this one:

This is the one-stop manual for EASILY making the transition from everyday consciousness into a higher consciousness. This is important for several reasons:

1) Spiritual Intoxication - Of course it's fun to feel awesome!
2) Reconnecting with the Higher Self - This of course benefits every part of your life.
3) Manifestation Happens Faster When You Exist in a Higher Energy - Raise your consciousness, and you automatically speed up your manifestation abilities. Psychic abilities begin popping up as well.

Since starting this book less than a week ago and applying only a few of the exercises, I can now activate my third eye at will, shift into "seeingness" mode with a little effort, and see auras and energy vibrations where before there were only solid pictures. Shifting aside the normal mind-interpretation-of-reality and seeing the energy of what is really there feels wonderful.

The only thing I've noticed since beginning is now when I'm not in my third eye, I am more easily irritated by noises. My puppy's bark pierces me, the baby's screams hurt, my 8-year-old's high pitched voice gives me the willies... Anything abrasive that I use to just ignore is making it in, and if I don't process these sounds with my third eye, they are a bit painful. But that's fine, it's just part of the process of remembering to stay centered in my third eye awareness. So while my headache count is currently up, I don't imagine this problem will be going on for long.

Check out more from Samuel Sagan at his site, www.clairvision.org - The free section has some cool stuff too. Before long they promise Awakening the Third Eye will be released in the free section, but until then, that picture above will take you to an Amazon.com page where you can grab a copy. They are currently out of print, so when those sell there probably won't be anymore.

Friday, March 9, 2007

I've Had It With The Gurus

What I'm about to say is not an attack on Bob Proctor. I believe that what he is teaching is true, correct, and wonderful. I am very fond of him from The Secret and the videos I have found of his. His books are fantastic as are his audio programs. However, I am disappointed today, and fed up with gurus in general. Here's the deal:

On Bob's website, there is a coaching program. It is very select, chosen by Bob himself on receiving your application, a phone interview, etc... In addition, you are guaranteed to receive all of his material free as a part of this course. Call me incredibly naive... But the program seemed to me to be a generous outreach of Bob to a few people he personally chooses to help them take their lives and turn them around. I figured this was free, or at least not insanely priced.

So after my application, at the end of the phone interview, I was accepted into the program. My excitement peaked. And that's when the interviewer mentioned that I would need to pay just under $7000 for the program. I told him that simply wasn't possible at this exact moment, and he said that Bob would say to attract it to me, don't worry about the way. I agree with this. But my personal skill at manifestation has not yet built up to that level. I receive what I need right as I need it, and I am led out of harm's way. Sometimes I manage to manifest a nice treat. But the problem is, I wanted a mentor who would assist me in raising this process to another level. If I can manifest that type of money in the next month (which is when the program will begin), then what do I need Bob for? If I can raise $7000 out of thin air in one month, I'd say I've pretty much arrived.

So in my disappointment, I've made another decision. I opened my website, www.jonpeeoh.com, to disperse information and to sell e-books at a very low, affordable price. I've done alright. But this spiritual information, the law of attraction, the power of creating reality, is what will help all of humanity to move forward. If I help you, then the energy I have put out will return to me. Therefore, rather than charge the $9.99 which I felt was more than fair and cheap enough, I'm through selling. The world needs this information, the world needs a higher spirituality and form of consciousness.

I'm scrapping the manuscript with the new section, The Meaning of Life, and tossing it out. I will not be writing anymore e-books for a long time. I began the site to help myself more than anyone else, to solidify my own thoughts and amplify them, to help me to step back into my spiritual process of unfolding. I am back in that flow, and that purpose is served. I may write more articles, I'm not sure. But from this point on they will be different.

I have focused on the theories and on beginning applications. I'm through with that. There are important things you can do to boost yourself into a spiritual reality, and that's what is important - the practical experience, not the many "why"'s that come with them. There's enough information out there to piece that picture together with. From this point forward, I will be focused on practical applications and how to literally reshape your life as quickly as possible into a magickal, spiritual experience of joy.

I am going right now to my page to remove the paypal links and set direct links to the e-books. They are all free. The Secrets of Manifesting Your Reality is free now. Ten Steps to Manifesting Your Desires is free. Enjoy. I am no longer standing on a stable ground of understanding. Having moved back into the flow, my reality and concepts of reality are once again shifting and changing daily, weekly, monthly. I look at parts of those writings and decide right now that I would write some parts differently. Same for the articles. However, as spiritual growth can be viewed as a series of stairsteps, I will leave my steps visible to others who may be able to walk up them as well.

In the future, expect contrasting, contradictory information, as reality is not static and maybe what works one day works differently the next. Maybe I see it in a new light. Maybe I was just plain wrong before. I do the best I can, but I'm not perfect. I'm perfecting. Just as everyone is. I fully intend to ascend within this lifetime, and I fully intend to enjoy a lifetime of immense wealth. But I guarantee you this: When I am a wealthy, rich, powerful manifester, I will assist others in learning the process FOR FREE. I will not want anything from you.

I made many mistakes in setting up jonpeeoh. Two in particular: 1) If you offer something for nothing, people do not value it - so I made it cheap. And I offered plenty of free stuff. The funny thing is, the free articles were valued more than the e-books, which shattered my original conception of something-for-nothing-being-undervalued. 2) I sold the e-books cheap. If I was going to sell them, I should have sold them for $50 apiece. The only thing more suspect than an information product for sale is an information product for sale CHEAP. I, having recently been through a very rough financial period, know better than anyone that $10 is a price I could have shouldered many times, but $20-$50 for an e-book? That could have fed my family a few times... However, a $10 e-book reeks to others of poor information, of a cheap effort to make a buck. I'll let you know right now, I spent more than three times as much money on adwords pulling people into my website than I ever made on e-book sales. If jonpeeoh was a business, it'd have a CLOSED sign hanging on the door.

I want to create a community, and that really has not happened yet. The forums were overrun by idiot spammers who were spamming to an empty room, and now the process of signing up is such a pain, who would bother? I set up an audio tester program for some entrainment/nlp/hypnosis products I would like to develop, had 9 people sign up, and after two and a half weeks I haven't had a comment, an email, nor any indication of life from any of them. I am refunding their money today, and I am shutting down the audio program. If you want audio programs, many fantastic ones are out there. I do not wish to be a one-man audio program generator, as this is far too much work for one person with no assistance. Also, just because something works for me, doesn't mean it works or works the same way for others, and vice versa. Without others' feedback, I could be selling useless programs. If I decide to offer audio programs in the future, they'll be free.

Anyway, I will still attempt to make a little money off my page. The way this will work is by using adsense ads, as well as my Amazon affiliate links. If you click through a book on my website (or for instance, in the previous post), and buy the book, I get a few cents for it. That's right, you buy a $20 book, I get about 30-50 cents. Not exactly a killing. You click on an adsense ad you're interested in, and I will make anywhere between 0-8 cents in general. Also not exactly a killing. What I DO like about that is that it doesn't cost me anything, as adwords does. I'm done paying for advertising. Anyone who finds my site, now finds it of their own synchronistic process.

The purpose of my site from now on will be dissemination of spiritual knowledge. If I can cause that to become a dialog with others, so much the better. Otherwise, it's me talking to myself. Either way, I'm fine with it. Anyway, I've blathered enough.

Take that, Bob Proctor!

Awakening the Third Eye

Amazon has this book in stock again (it's out of print) - I finally got a copy. After working the first couple of exercises last night, I had very powerful sensations in my third eye, hands, heart and throat. I went to bed and had incredibly vivid, colorful dreams all night. This may be the most important book I've ever owned.

If you want to stop "learning about" spiritual crap and start doing it, this is THE book you want. Everything in the book is based on practical experience, and the techniques will almost immediately give you that experience to begin with and develop. There's no visualization, no "trying", no concentrating... Just simple exercises that work!

Once again, Clairvision.org says at some point in the near future, this book will be available online for free. As soon as that happens, I will post a link to it.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Day 9 of 21

Alright, so on day 8 of 21 (yesterday) of my program using Reed's CD's, I received a surprise bonus at my workplace for nearly a full paycheck. That's awesome. I'm curious to see how the money will find ways to come in other than via my current job. However, that much money's not bad for 1/3 of the way into my 21 day schedule. I'm excited to see what's next!

Also just finished rereading The Secret of Shambhala. I absolutely must recommend the Celestine Prophecy trilogy (when he finally writes The Twelfth Insight, it will be a qualogy, I suppose). They are beyond fantastic, and use a parable-style fictional story to illustrate spiritual principles as far as raising energy, projecting your expectations/energy into the universe to cause things to fall into place synchronistically for your highest good. This is the same thing as the Law of Attraction, but written out in a very practical, useable way. I first read these books years ago, and now I'm seeing them with a fresh perspective - they were ahead of their time, and can be used as excellent manuals for getting control of your life and manifesting your desires.

Finally, I have ordered a pair of video glasses, something I've wanted for a long, long time. They came from 22moo.com, the VG-920D, which for this price range is about the best you can do. I am excited to use them for TV, movies, and the computer (games as well as general use) - they project a virtual 80" screen about a meter in front of you. I also plan to find and/or develop some video that I can use with these to entrance myself, allowing for easier meditation and possibly for easy full-conscious astral projection. Kind of along the same theory as long-drive projections. That is, after driving for hours, you may notice when you close your eyes that you get a very clear image of the road in front of you as though you were still driving. You can use these times, if you're not terribly exhausted, to step into that picture as a full conscious OBE. I'm thinking by using the immersive quality of these glasses and creating tunnel videos or light patterned videos, I can stimulate my brain enough to allow me to enjoy this effect during my meditation times. I'll let you know how it goes, it'll be anywhere between 1-3 weeks before they arrive (coming from Australia).

Friday, March 2, 2007

Kevin Trudeau

Hey guys. I saw Kevin Trudeau on a show last night talking about his new book,

The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About

He's also the author of two other books. I read the first one - it was excellent. Of course, they're very controversial, and many would tell you he is a scam artist. I looked through some of these complaints, and saw two similar traits to them:

1) He's a scam artist! I haven't actually read the book, but...

At that point, I tune out. You haven't actually read the book? Then you're just spouting something someone else said. It seems like people with enough time to erect a complaint against something should also have enough time to verify that for themselves first. How can you call something a scam that you know nothing about? Because your friend said so? How did he know? Because his friend said so? Blah.

2) He's a scam artist! He's been sued by tons of companies, including the FDA!

Well, if you read his book, it's obvious why! He even states that this is going to happen. He is revealing information that can cost the drug companies (who have the FDA under the belt) billions of dollars every year. Of COURSE they're pissed. They're also dirty, and need to be brought down.

Here are the original two books, btw:

Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About

More Natural Cures Revealed: Previously Censored Brand Name Products That Cure Disease

The new book sounded exciting. A system that can correct the underlying cause of obesity, allowing you to lose a pound a day without any cravings, without any will power, without exercise, and without gaining the weight back afterwards. It also ensures that the weight you lose is the unnecessary fat stored in the main areas of the thighs, butt, stomach, etc. I'm about 30 pounds overweight myself. I don't eat that much, and I definately don't eat much fast food. So I'm very interested to see what this system is. I'm going to purchase the book in the next week or two, try it out, and I'll report back to you guys my level of success (or lack of success).

Finally, this is day 5 of my 21 day schedule for Reed Byron's Instant Millionaire Now and Psychic Development hypnosis CDs. I'll let you know how things are going after day 21.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

A Cool Site... More Third Eye

Reading up everywhere on the internet I can find more info on the third eye, I came across this little site that has really good information. I wanted to share it with you.

Meditate.com's Third Eye

Enjoy! Also, audio testers, the first two entrainment programs are up.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Third Eye Development

Yay! Finally, I'm getting some signs that the third eye work I've been doing for the past couple of weeks is working. So here again is a summary:

By lightly being aware of the area between your eyebrows, you will begin to feel a tingling, that being your third eye chakra being stimulated. So what I have been doing daily, when I think to, and often during riding in the car or listening to my Reed Byron (Hypno-Success) hypnosis CDs, is to be aware of that spot and allow the tingling to occur.

The next step, says everything I've read so far, is that when being aware of your third eye with your eyes closed, you will see a golden light. Lately, as I'm drifting off to sleep, I have done some third eye focus, and the golden light is beginning to come through. It's like the space that has usually been dark and one-dimensional begins to become a three-dimensional moving picture. I am beginning to get scenes filled with light. Last night, for instance, I saw what looked like Greek buildings with bright golden light shining through the columns.

This means my third eye is awakening. The main benefits of working your third eye are that psychic abilities begin developing noticeably and astral projection/out of body work becomes much easier, more natural and more common. I can't wait! I'm now sold on the third eye work, and will continue to report the results as I work on it.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

21 Days!

So I discovered something cool today. I noticed that Reed's programs on Hypno Success recommend listening at least once a day for 21 days. I thought that was nice and all. Then today I kept bumping into other information about 21 days. Finally I found the root of it:

Dr. Maxwell Maltz, MD, a plastic surgeon with New York Hospitals conducted extensive studies of why brain circuits take "engrams" (memory traces), and produce neuropathways only if they are bombarded for 21 days in a row.

This means that our brain does not accept "new" data for a change of habit unless it is repeated each day for 21 days (without missing a day).

So daily bombardment with subconscious suggestions for 21 days causes that suggestion (or group of suggestions) to take permanent root. What happens if you don't?

John Kappas PhD, a psychologist in southern California while working with the department of psychology at U.C.L.A., discovered that 83% of the hypnotizable population will “dream out” or “dump” the hypnotic programming installed by a hypnotherapist within 3 to 7 days rendering it ineffective. Since most people don't remember their dreams, they are unaware of dreaming out the hypnotic programming they received.

This is why many people that are hypnotized to stop smoking start smoking again within 3 to 7 days. Or when hypnotized to lose weight do great for a few days and then go back to their old habits. What happened is they dreamed out the hypnotic programming to stop smoking or eat healthier and returned to their previous behavior.

So it takes 21 days to change subconscious beliefs, and without constant reinforcement, your subconscious will dump the new programming behind your back and resume its old ways. Here's the link to that info (I have found the same info on other sites, but this is the one I have pulled up right now)


Go to google and type in "21 days" (with the quotation marks) - notice all the things that come up! Also try ["21 days" hypnosis] (without the brackets). Learn to program in 21 days. Stop smoking in 21 days. Lose weight in 21 days. All of these are taking the 21-day concept and adapting it to the needs of the consumer. If you impress your mind with something for 21 days, it apparently does the trick. I am now 3 days fully into two of my hypno-success programs. I will continue to run them for 21 days. At the moment, I am running them quietly in the background during the day, and even when I am watching video or listening to music, I keep it barely audible in the background. I am rotating these two CDs fairly equally. When 21 days is up, I will let you know what my results are. If I don't see an honest to god change, I will report it. If I DO see an honest to god change, I will report it. I will go ahead and report now that since beginning these CDs a couple of days ago, I note that after these sessions I feel lighter, happier, more easy going and this effect lasts the rest of the day. Little things don't bother me. Meanwhile, life is moving more smoothly in all respects.

Does anyone else have experience or knowledge about the "21 day" rule for forming memory traces (engrams) in the neuropathways? I'd love to get more info on this. If 21 days of bombardment with hypnosis is even 80% guaranteed to affect the change that the hypnosis is geared towards, then a person can change their lives from the direst of circumstances into a practical paradise within a few months!

Monday, February 26, 2007

A Somewhat Success

Wow, so my Novadreamer is STARTING to yield me results. The first 4 nights or so I used it, after about an hour I became very uncomfortable and took it off. Finally last night I stayed asleep for several hours without it bothering me (it's really a matter of perseverance until you become accustomed to wearing it). On checking it this morning I found that it had signaled me twice for dreamstate. The second time it caused a vivid but bizarre dream to turn scary. I don't remember when the flashes actually happened, and I don't recall anything in the dream that would have been the flashes or the sound, but I know when it happened because the dream suddenly changed.

I was in the bedroom where I grew up. In there I had a large closet. In the dream, I was just hanging out in there with my wife. When the novadreamer signalled me, the dream became a nightmare. I walked into my closet and found some windows looking out into the backyard - outside was a man just walking away from the window. He had been prowling and looking for a way in. I started banging on the window and opened it and yelled at him, at which point he made an excuse about trying to find something in the yard. Then he became angry and ran toward me. I got the window closed as he ripped out the screen and started trying to open the window. The rest of the dream, for the few seconds it went on, was me trying to keep him out while yelling for my wife to run. I woke up quickly, and my wife said I had been breathing deeply and groaning.

Now that might sound like a put-off, but for me it's a great sign. When I was doing most of my lucid dream work, back in college, I found that horror dreams were the easiest for me to become lucid in. I would watch Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street or Halloween movies all night, then go to sleep. When Jason would enter my dream, I would realize I was dreaming, become lucid, and then change the dream. Nightmares have a special, vivid quality to them, and as my life really doesn't have any horror aspects to it, nightmares cause me to question what's going on. Which is why I often become lucid. Of course, the last time I had a nightmare was probably several years ago, so to ME, having this one last night and knowing that the novadreamer was a part of it, means that I'm about to begin becoming lucid again. Woot!

Yeah, I wooted. So what?

Anyway, I'm also running Reed Byron's Millionaire Mind and Psychic Abilities CDs as frequently as I can. Millionaire Mind begins with relaxation into a deep trance. Then one voice works a hypnosis script, and then finally both ears get bombarded with various versions of that hypnosis script. The confusing effect is perfect for getting the messages in past the conscious mind and into the subconscious, and the actual suggestions, as I've mentioned about Reed's stuff in a previous post, go straight for the gold: mind creates reality, subconscious mind attracting wealth. The Psychic Abilities CD is even more interesting - it just immediately begins with two voices, one for each ear, both dimmed so that they are hard to make out consciously. These voices grow louder and fade, even moving three dimensionally from ear to ear and back. I can barely tell what's being said, but I'm beginning to feel the results.

As a side note, I am beginning creation of some audio programs for the main site. I have a few testers signed up, but still more than 20 slots remaining. Please feel free to grab a spot if you want. It's $25 and gives you free access to all completed audio programs I will ever produce, as well as giving you early access to help me test and perfect the works-in-progress. Also, I will be offering one for free on my site when it is complete. This one is one I have been using, and I will be getting my testers to help me perfect it. It is a Headache Reliever - I figure I should make this one free because, come on, headaches suck. It has worked on most of the stress, sinus, or eye-strain headaches I've had over the past couple of months. Now I would like to fine tune it to work even better. When it's done, you will see it as a free download on jonpeeoh.com. Until then, if you'd like to join the audio testers, go to http://www.jonpeeoh.com/TestersWanted.html.

If anyone else has some stories to relate on lucid dreaming or the like, please drop a comment on this blog post. I have this blog set up so that you don't have to be a member of blogger.com in order to post comments. Thanks!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Hypno Success vs. Others

OK, so I finally received some new Hypno-Success.com CDs and have been running them this weekend. They are definitely the best I've found, and the suggestions played into each ear are excellent. I tried some others by other people, and found most to be so poor that I discarded them. I tried one by Alex Armani, and it was nice, but when I listened closely to the suggestions made in each ear, I disagree with his tactics.

For instance, using Instant Millionaire, Reed Byron (of Hypno Success) uses suggestions that condition the mind to attract wealth and riches. Armani's, on the other hand, tells the mind to make a to-do list every day, stick to it, invest and reinvest 15% of profits. Now, Armani has a point - this is a good system for long-term generation of wealth. A good, conscious system for long term money making. That's not what we're interested in though. Why play a conscious system to the unconscious mind, and why pick a system that reaps rewards after decades? Reed's actually tells the subconscious to attract money instantly and forevermore.

So in the realm of "Brain Speak", "Esoteric Programming" and whatever else silly buzzwords all of these different producers of similar hypnosis/NLP/entrainment CDs use, they are very different. It's obvious that Reed GETS that mind creates reality. Armani obviously is in a material system, teaching techniques that would be better left to a business seminar.

When you are trying new Hypnosis CDs out, listen to the words in the parts during which you would usually be asleep or entranced. You want to make sure that the suggestions are in line with what you are trying to do. There are some terrible products out there that can be very harmful. For instance, a stop smoking program once gave this suggestion: "If I continue to smoke I will get cancer". WOW what a bad suggestion! If the person doesn't stop smoking (and what in the program actually caused the person to want to stop smoking?), their mind is now conditioned to create cancer. A Hypnosis CD that practically guarantees cancer. That is SO not what you want...

So although I am a big fan of Hypnosis programs, I recommend you find out WHO you are getting these from, what they believe about reality, and then finally, LISTEN to what their suggestions say. There are very good hypnotists with a grander version of reality in mind, and they can help you. There are a lot of morons out there who want to make a buck. Make sure you're buying from the former. And my favorite of all is Reed Byron of Hypno-Success.com. It actually took me a few months to decide to buy the first couple of programs I bought from them. Their website is ugly and shoddy, and I just plain didn't like the look of it. Funny to find out they have the best hypnosis/NLP programs, and now I'm glad I gave them a chance rather than judge them by their website.

Also I would like to recommend two movies if you haven't seen them yet. First is The Celestine Prophecy, which came out last year sometime. It's based on the first in a series of books by James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy, which was the first spiritual novel I ever read. I have a very fond place in my heart for that story, and the movie did a good job of bringing it to screen. Also, the movie Conversations With God was very good, although I kind of felt there was a lot more time spent on Neale's homeless year(s) than on the God message. But it was still very good and I would recommend it. Now I must go - I am rewatching both of those movies tonight with my wife. Have a good night!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Audio Tester Program

Hey guys! Quick heads up - I've begun designing some audio programs for use on the site. These will be brainwave entrainment (binaural), and I will soon be integrating hypnosis and NLP as well for more powerful programs. I need some help testing these programs before I complete them and offer them for sale on the site. To this end, I'm assembling a group of 30 people to be my testers. These people will have full access to my programs in developmental stages, and will be able to give me feedback, suggest programs, and have access to these programs long before anyone else. In addition, these lucky 30 people will have free access to every completed audio program I offer for sale on the site. If you want to become one of these 30 testers, run over to http://www.jonpeeoh.com/TestersWanted.html and grab your spot.

My next few posts will be dealing with lucid dreaming, hypnosis CDs and entrainment program, as I am playing with several more commercial products in addition to my own. I'm sure I'll have a lot to blog about. Seeya soon!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Lucid Dreaming

OK so it's been years since I've piddled with lucid dreaming. Once I found my wife and had kids, I'm lucky to remember my dreams, much less become lucid in them. However I dug something out of the closet last night that just might fix all of that...

My good old 2001 NovaDreamer!

If you don't know much about the product, it's no longer available, although with a quick Google I found the next generation version which does appear to be available (same price as my NovaDreamer ran me 6 years ago).

Click here to look at the product and watch a video of a news clip about it.

I haven't kept up with what today's lucid dreaming technology is, but I know that the Novadreamer, aside from being a bit uncomfortable at first, was wonderful. I adjusted my program for high intensity light and sound, as I'm not sure where exactly on the scale of light to heavy sleeper I am (I assume more on the heavy side), put them on, and found out to my delight that for the first time since I became a side-sleeper (2 years ago), I actually had an advantage. The Novadreamer used to become incredibly uncomfortable to me when I slept on my back, due to where the straps velcro in the back of the head. Sleeping on my side, there was no pressure, and the mask was actually very comfortable. I set my program, set the wake-up alarm, and went to sleep.

Now the wake-up alarm is an interesting feature. Developing dream recall is important for learning lucidity. However, it's difficult to start remembering dreams when you already don't. One way is to take a moment to remember them as you wake up each morning, but if you have a family and a job, this is very unlikely. When the alarm goes off, by the time you slap the snooze button, you lose the dream. So the wake-up alarm is a great way to develop dream recall. As you sleep, the mask detects when you enter REM. It then gives you the signal you tell it - lights, sound, whatever intensity, for however long. This signals you within the dream, once conditioned, to become aware of the fact that you're dreaming. What the dream alarm does is to wait five minutes after you are given a lucidity signal, then go off in an obnoxious manner guaranteed to wake you up. Now, you've just been awoken from your dream, which is the very best state in which to remember what you were dreaming. Think about if for a moment, jot it down if you feel inclined. Boom, you are developing dream recall.

One more really cool feature, probably my favorite now, is the reality test button on the front of the mask. You press it, your lights/sound combo goes off. The trick to this is that electronics are notorious for failing in dreams. Also, you will often awaken in your bed with your Novadreamer on, roll over and go back to sleep. The thing is, many times THAT is a dream, and you just don't know it. So when you wake up wearing your mask, hit the reality test button. The first time I tried this back in 2001, I was so irritated. I was already irritated that I was awakened and didn't have any memory of a dream and hadn't become lucid. So I hit the reality test button and nothing happened. This further irritated me, until I realized that the reality test button had just served it's purpose. I pulled off the mask and flew up through the ceiling.

See, when you awaken in a dream, it can feel as real as everyday waking life. If you are dreaming that you just woke up in bed, wearing your mask, and everything seems like normal, you won't even know you're dreaming. The reality test button allows you to catch these cognitive glitches and allow you to take advantage of a lucid dream that you thought was real. Instead of rolling over and going back to sleep, you can do all the things you wanted to. Ever since that incident (and several more like it), the reality button has been my favorite part of the mask.

If you're interested, look at that link I provided. You can also scan ebay for NovaDreamer, although they are kind of hard to come by. There's one right now going for $250 (regular price). I think on closer inspection that it's actually the newer model though. Of course, that's probably preferrable, but I'm going to stick with my old NovaDreamer. I still have to play with the sensitivity and lucid-signalling settings, as I woke up this morning to find the mask neatly folded and placed behind me on the table. I have no memory of taking the mask off during the night, and usually I would have just dropped them off the bed onto the floor to pick up. So something happened in the middle of last night that caused me to take them off, fold them neatly and place them behind me, all without waking up. At least SOMETHING happened. Tonight I'll tweak the settings and try again.

Happy Dreaming!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Heart versus Third Eye

For a long time I've played in the camp (the apparently only camp) of heart-chakra-focus for balance and meditation. Everything I had seen, read, or heard had said that focus on the heart chakra was the best way to get results while keeping your entire energy being in balance. I did have nice success with this, and I can attest that it works. However for certain things - out-of-body, remote viewing, lucid dreaming, etc - I didn't get the results I wanted. What I want to talk about today is fairly new to me, and I don't attest that it is true, any more than I attest that focus on the heart chakra is true.

In Samuel Sagan's audio program for awakening the third eye, he says that the energy centers in the body all deal with the external world, except for the third eye, which turns inward. It is the door INTO ourselves. He claims that focus on the third eye will actually provide the balance and results, and that the heart is a misunderstood concept. Heartness and Love come from all chakras and all energy centers, not just the heart chakra.

I'm not recommending neglecting the heart center, but I began working on third eye awareness a week ago, activating and holding my third eye as often throughout each day as I think to. And here are my results:

1) Better clarity of thought, focus, concentration.
2) Better outlook on my life from a more detached, hopeful perspective.
3) Feeling of peace and well-being, even throughout a few highly stressful occurrences (which I believe arose in order to show me the power of these third eye techniques). In each of these cases, a situation arose that, two weeks ago, would have raised my stress level through the roof. And probably they would not have resolved nicely. Using my third eye techniques, I maintained calm, serenity, and focused on a simple mantra for each occurrence to resolve peacefully and easily. And in every case they did!

The third eye also gives an amazing boon: instant total focus/concentration! This is a secret that I didn't know about. As soon as I realized it, I found information on this in at least 10 different places over the course of two days. When you become aware of the area between your eyebrows (rolling your eyes up to stare at it can help to start the sensation, but straining will cause problems - instead, try to simply be aware of that area without looking), any thought that you hold becomes your center of focus. Other thoughts do not invade. That means focus is 100%. That means that if you become aware of your third eye and then focus on a thought/mantra/idea, you can sustain long-term focus on that thought. In each case I mentioned above, the mantras I did only lasted for about 5 minutes. After that I resumed my day, feeling fine. If five minutes of pure focus can manifest smooth resolutions to those things, imagine the manifestation power of this technique! Learning zen-like focus is the subject of thousands of books, audio sets, and workshops around the globe - and you can develop it instantly with an easy exercise that you can perform any time of day.

I just activated my third eye now - it took me literally less than half of a second. It's so easy - once you can feel it, you can turn it on when you want! The more you do this, the more it develops, until you develop new abilities, inner vision, and psychic abilities. Working on your third eye will cause the spontaneous arousal of these abilities (and more):

1) Out of body/astral projection
2) Lucid dreaming
3) Precognizance
4) Clairvoyance/Clairaudience
5) Remote Viewing
6) Telekinesis/Psychokinesis
7) Aura/Energy vision
8) Anything else you can imagine

The third eye is the easiest meditation I've ever done, and you can literally feel the progress! Clarity is enhanced, thinking is improved, emotions are raised, life goes smoother. I recommend checking out Samuel Sagan's audio program, recommended below, for a start - he gives such techniques as breath friction and nice meditations that allow you to feel the third eye so that you can activate it at will - priceless. His book, Awakening the Third Eye, is out of print, and can be found used on Amazon, but will very soon be given away for free on their website, in the Free Stuff section. I'm not sure when, but they promised soon! When it becomes available there, I will post a link. Their site, btw, is www.clairvision.org - check it out!

So it looks like the good stuff, the really GOOD stuff, comes from third-eye work. I'm not saying abandon chakra cleansing and heart-chakra meditation and raising energy, but please, add an extra element of third-eye focus to your routines - you will find it makes a huge difference in a very positive way!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What is Dual Induction?

One of the most powerful techniques in hypnosis is the dual induction. The way this works is simple, but extremely powerful. Creative statements that appeal to your creative right-brain mind are played into your left ear (which is processed by the right brain), while logical statements are played into the right ear (which is processed by the left-brain, logical side). Here's what happens:

1) Your mind can't focus on both streams of statements without becoming confused or jumping back and forth. What this does it helps to create a small short circuit in your conscious mind - just enough to allow the information to sink into your subconscious, which is where it will do you good.

2) Each side of your brain is being spoken to in its own language, making resistance minimal and comprehension high.

3) At certain points both sides will converge on the same sentence, your key sentence or sentences, and this really drives them home into your mind.

This is so much more powerful (for me, anyway) than traditional hypnosis methods that I had to pass it on. Look for CDs that feature dual induction and give them a try. I've had success with www.hypno-success.com products, by Reed Byron. I just ordered one by someone else to try as well, curious if Reed is unique or one-among-many. Anyway, happy hypnotising!

Friday, February 9, 2007

What an Awesome Week!

It's been an incredibly exciting week here. Between playing in the portal (manifestlife.com) and the new release of Day Job Killer by the creator of Affiliate Project X and Adwords Miracle, I've had more fun this week than in the past 6 months!

I also finally received my Randy Gage book from the phone call I was on, which led to my joining ManifestLife. I've read three fourths of the book tonight, and I have to tell you, it's absolutely amazing! The man is genius - go grab his book, Why You're Dumb, Sick & Broke... And How to Get Smart, Healthy & Rich - you won't be disappointed!

Also check out Day Job Killer, which I mentioned above. Using the techniques in Direct Link X for only one product, I have spent $60 in advertising and made $300 in returns within two days. The only reason I haven't done more is that I have limited myself to $30 per day. Tomorrow, I'm opening the door up wide to see what kind of profit I can bring in. If you've piddled with making money online as an affiliate, this is the product to take you from being a burning-your-cash-in-the-adwords-machine failure to a reaping-massive-profits success. Chris McNeeney's got my vote!

And finally, the other book I'm currently reading, The Genius Frequency, just keeps getting better and better. I highly recommend this book.

And on the subject of that book, all the material I'm reading lately is hitting one chord in common: the fact that as you keep spiritual/self-advancement information in your daily life, the insights/theories/practices come into being more quickly. That's why I'm most happy with Manifest Life (for link, see any of a number of links below - there's actually still a few coupons left for $30 off) - it gives me an unlimited amount of spiritual, prosperous, manifestation information/knowledge, constantly updated, which allows me to engage daily in new reading, listening, etc that keeps my mind focused on manifestation and my intent to create a richer, happier, healthier life. Because this is kept in my awareness more often, I vibrate with that frequency more often, which causes things in my life to more quickly reshape in a way that validates all of this information. Things have been getting steadily better, happier, more exciting, and more prosperous in my life over the past couple of weeks, and I feel that my preoccupation with Manifest Life is the culprit... I've already shoved it down your throats, but if you're not willing to trade $197 (or $167 with the coupon) for 2 years of access to this kind of resource, please don't whine to me. Reading about manifestation and even intellectually understanding it is great, but until you make contemplation, further education, and focus on this a part of your daily life, you won't see the results you want. Manifest Life just makes it really really easy to do that.

Anyway enough, I have to go check on my sales figures again, and then dance my ass off to bed...

Monday, February 5, 2007

Our Ultimate Reality


I can't overlook this site - you guys should check it out. It's been nearly two years since I bought their e-book, Our Ultimate Reality, and was blown away. It's amazing - tons of new info presented from a unique perspective. If you CLICK HERE you can sign up to receive the first seven chapters (one per day for a week) for free by email. I did this deal and by the third day I was sold, but don't take my word for it - get your free seven chapters and see if you like it or not.

With so much redundant spiritual info going around these days, it was nice to find something fresh. Enjoy!


Hey guys,

Remarkably, there are still some coupons left - run over to Manifest Life and grab a 2-year membership for $30 (that's 4 months!) off before they're gone! Forward me your receipt and when I complete my manuscript (consisting of: We Are God, The Secrets of Manifesting Your Reality, Ten Steps to Manifesting Your Desires, and The Meaning of Life), I will send you the full book for free! Use the coupon code: 467E

Today I'm reading about pranayama and the use of the breath. Over the past few months, I've come across a large amount of info on how breathing deeply affects our reality, from health to outer conditions to happiness to lifespan... Here's a good intro spot: Holistic Online

Anyone who's big on pranayama, please drop some comments - I'd love to hear more.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

60 Coupons left!

Alright guys! We're down to 60 coupons. See the below post for the information if you haven't already. I expect we'll be lucky to see any coupons left tomorrow!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Manifestation Life Coupons

Wow, today has been crazy.

Everyone is jumping at the opportunity to get $30 off a 2-year membership (normally $197 - yeah I know, that's ridiculous right? $8.21/month - where do you get that deal?). I figured I should post it here, so anyone not on my newsletter list has a chance.

So here's the pinch: we're down to 100 coupons left. There were 200 last night, now there's 100. I imagine by this time tomorrow, they'll be gone. $30 off of a $197 membership for 2 years is like getting 4 months for free, or like only paying $6.95 per month.

I get the feeling some of you have no idea what you're missing. Let me try and clarify - this site is LOADED with manifestation masters, tips, documents, audio, recorded phone conversations with manifestation gurus, and tons more! You can't find this anywhere else - the greatest compilation of today's masters, all in one place!

Let me take the time to give a detailed explanation of the site - those of you on my newsletter list have seen this already:

This is a one-time-fee membership site called "Manifestation Portal" created by Barry Goss.

The main part of the site is a ongoing audio interview series "Conversation With the world top manifestation mentors."

They currently have 25 manifestation mentors with over 50 hrs of audio conversation and lessons. These lessons are awesome! You will see some very famous and wonderful teachers inside. Most of them are very well-known, highly respected mentors in self improvement industry. Some of them were even featured in the move, The Secret.

ManifestLife shares with you almost every topic you can think about on manifesting your desires and living a happy and fulfilling life.

Imagine what your life will be like if you can study and apply every tip and strategy they share with you?

Listening to their lessons is VERY inspiring. I guaranteed you will be getting very busy at trying and applying their exciting ideas. I did :)

But this is only a small part of your membership. And it is not the part that I like the most.

The best part of the memebership is a section called "Secret M-Files". They have some really heavy stuff here.

--"The $100 Million Dollar Man" teaches you the method of "Instant Manifestation".

--"The Master of Masters" teaches you how to become magnet to money and how to get into action.

--"The Father of Motivation" teaches you "Secrets to An Inspirational Life"

Inside the "Secret M-Files", they have another 6 secret manifesting mentors (everyone of them is a heavy hitter). They teach you various advanced-level topics about manifesting your desires.

Many of these secret mentors have some awesome bonuses for you in addition to their already wonderful conversations with Barry.

To my suprise, one of the secret mentors, "The $100 Million Dollar Man" mentioned above, gives a free copy of his complete personal development program. This can easily cost you a few hundred dollars to buy elsewhere. But you get it free as a member.

Besides those, you can also find some awesome meditation, visualization, and hypnosis audios that you can use daily to bring more abundance into your life. I LOVE these!

Another great section of the membership site is the LIBRARY. There are tons of audios, videos, ebooks, reports and articles that will greatly enhance your undersanding of the secrets of manifesation.

There is also a resource section and a archive section of recorded live calls.

The content is just HUGE! You will love it when you see it.

Now, here is the part that you have been waiting for. :)

Barry has agreed to give you a $30 discount for inner-circle access to the site for 2 full years.

Remember! This offer is only to the first 200 people (Only 100 left now!) You need to be fast!

The coupon code is "467E" ( without quotes).

You will see a section called "Coupon" on the order form, enter the code above, you will get $30 off instantly! The one-time price for two years of membership is incredible, and you'll never run out of great material here. Every week or so, they do a new call with an amazing manifestation guru, and there are constant updates to all of the information - new stuff all the time!!!

I was in on one of the free calls (to get people interested), and at the end was a contest that I was one of 20 (amongst over 400 callers) who won - the book by the master the call was with and several other goodies. Of course after listening to that call, I knew this site was legit, and since signing up, I can honestly say I can't recommend this site enough. Do yourself a huge favor - join up quick before Barry realizes what a steal his site is!

This is so important to me, I will even make you this offer: if you join Barry's site, coupon or not, and send me the receipt, I will send you a copy of my finished manuscript, including We Are God, The Secrets of Manifesting Your Reality, Ten Steps to Manifesting Your Desires, and The Meaning of Life - as soon as it's ready! That's right, before I send it to the publisher, you can snag the whole deal from me! And remember, The Meaning of Life will never see the light of day on my website - it will only be available within the published book. Also remember that once the publisher OK's the book, none of these will be available from my website anymore. Since it will take anywhere between six and eight months to get the book into stores, these books will be available NOWHERE for a long time.

That's right, join Barry's site, get all of my e-books, including the new one, The Meaning of Life, for free!

CLICK HERE to go to the site now!

Go for it!


PS. The best deal is for the first 200 people only - and 100 have been used! Put in the coupon code "467E" (without quotes) on the order form, and get an instant $30 off for your 2 years membership. Anyone who signs up between now and the time my e-book compilation goes off to the publisher will receive my free gift, if you just forward me your email receipt from Manifest Life.

Mind Awake Body Asleep

Probably the most important skill you can develop in your meditational practices is the ability to find the state known as mind-awake-body-asleep. Of course, you hard-core meditators out there won't need to hear this. But anyone starting out may not know.

Now, the mind-awake-body-asleep mode is the stepping stone into the realms of the mind. When you learn to reach the border of sleep, keeping your mind awake as your body tumbles over the edge, you will find yourself going into a medium-to-deep trance state. This is where the real magic happens. In a light trance, you feel nice, you feel relaxed. In a medium or deep trance (and this is true for both of these), you will find yourself feeling almost a blink in consciousness, followed by a deepening of your light trance symptoms. Your conscious state will increase, and your awareness will become much sharper.

This feels like a sudden "VOHHHMMMM". Your relaxation will double, and just laying there will begin to feel almost rapturous. Once your body is fully asleep, or even if you're just very tired, hypnagogic imagery may arise. This is a state of mind's-eye visuals, often geometric patterns and blits of light, that occurs as you drift off to sleep, or sometimes after your body has fallen asleep. This state is the jumping-off point for out-of-body and astral experiences, as well as deep meditation. Don't get carried away by the imagery, just as you didn't allow yourself to be carried away by thoughts before.

I've been using some great tools for achieving these experiences, and perhaps these tools could be used to learn to control the mind at the edge of sleep. But I think the best way to learn this simple but very important skill is just through unaided practice. As you drift off to sleep at night, when you're not exhausted, put yourself in an observant state. Keep an interest in your visual field (I know, I know, it's all dark - but that changes!). Keep an interest in your hearing. The closer to the edge of sleep you go, the more your visual field and hearing will begin to pick up things that aren't going on in the physical world. This may be surprising at first. For me, I would often hear things that would cause me to snap my attention, waking myself up. This would be conversations, noises, a radio, a TV... and as soon as I lurched up to see what it was, it was gone...

Once you get used to these effects, it becomes easier to use them as an aid to not falling asleep. Keep watching (not staring - straining yourself will make your body unable to fall asleep) the darkness, noticing that your natural relaxed state is with your eyes looking slightly up, at about a 20 degree angle. This is actually the third-eye viewing state, and the hypnagogic imagery will eventually arise from your third eye.

Finally, when you are under deep but still conscious, the hypnagogic imagery may fade back out (giving way for you to use an exit strategy, or even a wait-it-out strategy, for astral projection or out of body experience), or the hypnagogic imagery may enlarge and surround you, in which case you may find yourself inside a lucid dream, or even on the astral plane. Either way - two very cool places to be.

It's time for me to go lie down. If you want to check out the resources I've been playing with for easy astral projection, out-of-body experience, lucid dreaming, psychic development, etc, then check out the new Online section of my Resources page, HERE. Click MindSync, and look at the diverse range of products they have. Most of these are a $19.99 download, and you can burn a CD or listen on your computer right away.

These are EXTREMELY powerful, the best binaural programs I've ever used by far. For instance, the astral projection program works like this: your conscious waking mind is entrained down to a certain combination of frequencies over the first 8 minutes. Once you reach that combination of brainwave frequencies, one of three things WILL happen. 1) You will fall asleep (if you aren't great at the mind-awake-body-asleep mode yet, this will happen - but with 8 minutes per practice, this could be a great way to teach yourself very quickly!) 2) You will become anxious and note yourself rising back up in brainwave frequencies (this would feel like nervousness causing you to come out of your relaxed state. I haven't had this problem, but I realize that some people who are new to meditation and out-of-body practices can become fearful when it's about to occur). 3) You will project astrally.

Now I don't know about you, but that seems to present pretty damn good odds for success to me. The folks at MindSync (or World of Alternatives) are very responsive and offer a full money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied, so give it a try. After trying one of their programs, you will see for yourself how valuable they are. Give em a shot!

Have a good night - I'll be back tomorrow!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Third Eye Development

And hello again!

So I probably don't have to tell you that one of the most important things you can do for the development of psychic abilities is to learn to access your third eye. I've been doing third-eye meditations, along with full chakra meditations, and many other types of meditations, for years. I have had some good results in the past. I tried this program, by Samuel Sagan, and had amazing results:

Meditation, Portal to Inner Worlds

This link takes you to their catalog, but the program I used is the first on the list. It was amazing. Four discs - the first is a talk, where Samuel Sagan describes the third eye, why it is important, and what it can do for you (some of this was very new and fascinating to me - and I'm not exactly unread on third-eye literature). The next two are practical exercises which help you to reveal and access your third eye. Finally there is a final talk CD. In honesty, I've had so many amazing experiences with the first practical CD that I haven't moved to the second or the final talk. That's right, I'm recommending an audio program to you that I am only halfway through. That's how good it is!!!

Anyone interested in psychic development and third eye work in particular should rush to the site and grab it. Not only that, but on the main site, you will find many free resources. Soon coming to those free resources is the companion book, Awakening the Third Eye, which is now out of stock (and I'm guessing out of print or they wouldn't be about to offer it for free.) Currently on the free page, you can download:

A Language to Map Consciousness
A new version (7th edition) of the book by Samuel Sagan, completely rewritten and including more than 45 new entries.

Sleeper Awaken!
Atlantean Secrets Volume 1

Musical images online
Bleeding Sun, like Atlantean Secrets was created as music before it was written. Characters have their own themes. A number of scenes have their own sound track.

Canopus 2.1, Astrology Software
The Windows 95 version is no longer for sale, but you can download it for free right here! This software is offered as is, with no support or guarantees. Please do not email us for support or to ask questions, as we do not have the manpower for this.

Color-coded Excel Chart Interpretations
An enthusiastic user has provided a utility to convert your Canopus chart interpertations into beautiful and very readable color-coded tables. (Requires Microsoft Excel to be installed on your machine.)

Samuel Sagan is my newest guru-of-interest. You can see his bio page here. Kinda crazy lookin', but brilliant!

[For the materially-minded skeptic, may I point out that the above link(s) are NOT affiliate links and that I gain nothing from anyone who purchases a product. I have benefitted greatly already from the above-recommended product, and truly recommend it to others. This is probably unnecessary, but I don't want people worrying that I only recommend products from which I can gain a commission. I will never recommend crappy products just to make a dime. This is my promise to you.]

Manifesting Naturally - In 2 Easy Steps

Hi again guys,

Here is an article by one of the folks who help run the very best manifestation site on the internet, Manifest Life. This article is excellent, and I want to share it with you.


Manifesting Naturally - In 2 Easy Steps

Manifesting your desires is a very natural process that can get very complicated very quickly if you force the process. Being attached to a certain outcome is one of the quickest roads to disappointment. You must be open to the possibility that there is a greater intelligence in you that will create circumstances to help you better learn how to use your power of manifestation and in getting clear with your intent.

When one is focused upon material gain as an end in itself, the outcome is constricted by the foundation of fear upon which scarcity is based. When one is focused upon selfless service to the higher good of All Life, without fear for one's own well-being, the highest result is manifested for all.

You do not need to be any less prosperous in making such a shift. For the key to sustaining the manifestation of abundance, under conditions where the idea of personal prosperity is irrelevant, is the subtle shift in where one chooses to focus one's intent. People who choose to dedicate their lives to humanity or through restoring the harmony of the environment are not required to choose poverty as a demonstration of that selflessness. Circumstances will manifest quite naturally that would ensure the physical comforts of those in question when one is aligned with one's own highest purpose. When you are living your highest purpose and experiencing life in all of it's wonders and abundance you automatically give others the confidence and permission to do the same, which is the greatest result for all.

You are not here as a statement of separation from life, but as a materialized statement of unification with it.

Manifesting is not about proving to yourself that you are a creator. There is no need to prove something that you already are. Manifesting your desires is natural, as natural as breathing.

Desire you breath out, Creation you breath in. Your first moment was enjoying your creation of embodiment, your first breath in.

Intent is the focus of vibration or thought to create anything you want in Life. Intent is desire in pure form.

1. Focus your intent, breath out.
2. Creation, breathe in and enjoy your manifested desire.

Example: your body desires oxygen, so you breath out to make room for the oxygen, Then you breath in, and your body enjoys the experience of the new oxygen and when it wants more new oxygen you simply breath out to make room for more expecting that again your desire will be fulfilled. If your body doubted for one second that there was a lack of oxygen would you breath what you have out? No.You hold your breath until you can get more. But eventually you are going to have to let go of what you have to get more, or you die.

Breathing happens naturally. It is nothing you need to force or understand; it just simply is. Breathing happens whether you breathe in air or energy. It is natural.

Transformation need not take years or digging for clues in the subconscious for past karma or blockages or unknown barriers. Set your intent to be that of what you desire, knowing that you have always been whole and complete! Remove from your mind the concept of linear earthly time. Be timeless and you will know that all is known and all is perfect.

Breathe in, expand Your Universe. Breathe out, expand The Universe.

The Breath IS Life.

Enjoy each moment naturally as you breathe in and out and know that you are the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and end. The equation of all possibilities in everything, everywhere.

Responsibility is the key in expanding your truth that you are in fact the creator of your experience at any given moment. The amount of responsibility that you accept is the exact amount of creation ability that you utilize for your experience.

To be completely responsible for your experience is to know that, without a doubt, the free will that is inherent in the human condition is unconditional. You are free to do anything, be anything, and believe anything in any way it pleases you. That is your birthright. And with that freedom goes the right to reap the ramifications of all actions, so that you will be able to experience the results of your choices.

We have been taught by a society that has learned and in turn teaches the path of constriction. That is why you have chosen to create barriers that frustrate and infuriate you as a motivation for you to learn what it is that you are not: Limited. You have created barriers in your life to discover your true potential and to remove those barriers that stifle the very essence of that which you are: Limitless! The very fact that you are reading these words is a testament to your relentless pursuit of the beliefs you have consistently questioned and tested so that you may find your own truth. There is only one truth - your truth - and in knowing that you come to realize that you must allow all others to live their own truth. Shine by the example of living your own truth, not by trying to convince others of your truth.

Once responsibility is realized to it fullest ramifications then the limits you have in creating the desire are completely up to your level of acceptance of what you can create.

When you permit yourself the luxury of openly, unabashedly, fantasizing about what it is you truly yearn for, and dream of, you set into motion the energetic parameters for manifesting your heart's desire. Until you give free expression to the limitless vision you keep under wraps, you cannot, by definition, create it into your reality. When you operate your life from the mind-set of the unworthiness to have your heart's desire, when you dare not ask for what you truly want out of fear of disappointment, that disappointment is virtually guaranteed!

You must know that you are already whole,; that you are in fact worthy of anything you desire.

Would you on a hot day think of treating yourself to an ice-cream cone then go out and buy yourself an ice cream cone, then in fear of disappointment or lack of worthiness decide not to even taste it? Would you just let it melt away? Something that your heart desired, you paid for, only to in fact taste the disappointment that you were afraid of by not allowing yourself to taste the ice-cream? Robbing yourself from true experience.

Do you see how it works?

The moment you imagined what it would be like to have your desire, you have in essence already paid for it. You already expended the energy required to create it. The seed was planted, now nurture it, protect it, give it love, allow it to grow into your reality so that you may enjoy it. Never for one second allow yourself to believe that you don't deserve it or how it happens to manifest into your life.

Just know that's it's a natural occurrence. You do deserve it and you are worthy or you wouldn't have desired it in the first place. Sometimes depending on the clarity of your intent and how open you are, you may even receive something far better.

If you dare to envision yourself in circumstances where your deepest most heartfelt longings were manifested, without reservation and compromise, you might begin to experience the radical shift in the circumstances of your life that would provide you with the very evidence that you are looking for that you do indeed create your life.

If you dared to risk letting go of your limitation-based thinking that keeps you anchored in the experience of disappointment in the areas that matters most to you, you might experience the shift from those patterns.

Accept the full responsibility that you are in fact the creator of your experience. For just a moment toy with the thought and you will realize that manifesting your desires are as natural as breathing and you are responsible for all of it.

Allow yourself to be your highest purpose; there is no need to struggle to attain your highest purpose you are already living it every moment whether your realize it or not.

Breathe Naturally and Manifest Your Life, the Life you Deserve to Live, Yours!

Jody Sachse is ManifestLife.com's Special Projects and Operations Manager. He is also the author of the the fascinating ebook: "The Great Wealth Pandemic" (which can be downloaded inside The Portal). When he's not working on new product releases, responding to posts on the Manifest Life Community Forum, or making enhancement to the website, Jody can be found jumping on the trampoline with his 3 boys, listening to new meditation MP3's, or searching for the best ice cream in town.

Welcome to Metaphysical Mumbo Jumbo


You may already know me as jonpeeoh from www.jonpeeoh.com - if not, allow me to introduce myself.

I am a spiritual seeker going on nearly 20 years now. I have read hundreds if not thousands of metaphysical/psychic/spiritual/scientific/quantum physics books, meditated on and off for the past 10 years with varying experience/progress, played with entrainment (binaural, monaural, hypnosis, sleep programming, etc), used psychedelics for the purpose of revelation (not recreationally), and basically tried to get my foot in the door of anything to do with mysticism, spirituality, psychic abilities, and learning how to control my life and affect the world through my mind.

As anyone knows who has begun this journey, it never ends. However, I feel that I have plenty of information/experience to share that would be useful to those who are now where I was one, two, or even ten years ago. And so I began the website, www.jonpeeoh.com, stressing the principles of manifestation and the Law of Attraction. The feedback on my three e-books, We Are God, The Secrets of Manifesting Your Reality, and Ten Steps to Manifesting Your Desires has been overwhelmingly positive. Thanks to all of you who have emailed me with your wonderful, supportive words.

Lately I have not updated my site, except for a brief explanation of what I've been up to over the past 3 months. I will get back to writing articles soon, but I'm still in the middle of some personal research, including a book I'm working through, a CD case full of new binaural, monaural and hypnotic programs I'm working through, and a full work-week with a wife, a kid and a baby at home, not to mention an extensive number of pets. I'm also compiling my e-books from www.jonpeeoh.com, adding a fourth, which I'm calling The Meaning of Life, and sending them off to be reviewed for publication by an independent press that has expressed interest.

So I wanted to be able to write, but not exactly articles. More like a Thoughts'n'Things log. You know, like an online log of what's going on... a weblog. Maybe shorten that, call it "blog"... Hey, that's kinda catchy - "blog". Who knows, maybe the term will catch on...

Anyway, I will try to drop daily posts about what I'm contemplating, what I'm using, and what I would recommend to others. Mostly the first, but occasionally I will recommend books, audio programs, or a website or two. The most important thing for you to know is that I will only recommend sites I truly use and enjoy myself. I will not recommend a site just to get an affiliate commission. I will however become an affiliate to any site (or for books, via Amazon) for which there is a product I want to recommend. I don't see anything wrong with collecting commissions for sending sales to people when the customer is getting a fantastic product. I have done this on my website as well, and to date, my sum total from affiliate advertising (primarily using Amazon to reference books), is right around $1.50 - that's after four months of my website being up. So I'm not exactly making a killing.

Also, if I am picked up by a publisher for my e-book compilation, those e-books will disappear from my site overnight. If anyone is interested in grabbing a copy of those, even of the free e-book We Are God, I recommend you run over to www.jonpeeoh.com and snatch em now. The guestimated time between being accepted and seeing my book hit a bookshelf is approximately 7 months, and for that amount of time those e-books will not be available at all.

Thank you all for joining me - check in tomorrow for more!