Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What is Dual Induction?

One of the most powerful techniques in hypnosis is the dual induction. The way this works is simple, but extremely powerful. Creative statements that appeal to your creative right-brain mind are played into your left ear (which is processed by the right brain), while logical statements are played into the right ear (which is processed by the left-brain, logical side). Here's what happens:

1) Your mind can't focus on both streams of statements without becoming confused or jumping back and forth. What this does it helps to create a small short circuit in your conscious mind - just enough to allow the information to sink into your subconscious, which is where it will do you good.

2) Each side of your brain is being spoken to in its own language, making resistance minimal and comprehension high.

3) At certain points both sides will converge on the same sentence, your key sentence or sentences, and this really drives them home into your mind.

This is so much more powerful (for me, anyway) than traditional hypnosis methods that I had to pass it on. Look for CDs that feature dual induction and give them a try. I've had success with www.hypno-success.com products, by Reed Byron. I just ordered one by someone else to try as well, curious if Reed is unique or one-among-many. Anyway, happy hypnotising!

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